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Author Topic: Lame LN excuses  (Read 78611 times)

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #136 on: April 12, 2022, 06:01:09 PM »
I've been compiling a list of lame excuses that LNers make to "explain" away conflicting or contradictory evidence in this case.  Feel free to suggest any additions.

- Howard Brennan lied at the lineup because he was scared for his family.
- Howard Brennan had the ability to estimate a man's height and weight from seeing him in a crouched position from the chest up.
- Klein's mistakenly put February on a March deposit slip
- J. M. Poe forgot to mark the shells
- Studebaker accidentally didn't photograph the bag
- The police forgot to check Oswald's pockets for hours after he was arrested
- Buell Frazier was mistaken about the length of the package
- Linnie Mae Randle was mistaken about the length of the package
- Linnie Mae Randle could see through a wall
- Essie Mae Williams just didn't notice the bag Oswald was carrying
- Arnold Rowland was lying about seeing an elderly black man
- Arnold Rowland was lying about seeing two men on the sixth floor
- So was Carolyn Walther
- So was Ruby Henderson
- Amos Euins was mistaken about seeing a colored man in the sixth floor window
- Amos Euins was mistaken about seeing a man with a bald spot in the sixth floor window
- Jack Dougherty just didn't notice the bag Oswald was carrying
- Marina Oswald was mistaken about the camera viewfinder and how many pictures she took
- The bullet holes don't match because JFK's jacket was bunched
- The lower hole in the autopsy back photo is just a spot of blood
- In every interview and affidavit Charles Givens gave for over 4 months after the assassination he forgot the detail about going back to the sixth floor to get cigarettes and seeing Oswald there.
- Bonnie Ray Williams was mistaken when he said in his affidavit that he only heard two shots
- Carolyn Walther was mistaken about seeing a man with a brown sport coat
- Richard Randolph Carr was mistaken about seeing a man in a brown sport coat in an upper floor of the TSBD
- James Worrell was mistaken about seeing a man in a dark sports jacket run out the back of the building
- The first 6 officers on the 6th floor just didn't notice the long bag
- Helen Markham didn't understand the question 6 times
- The clock at Markham's washateria was slow
- T. F. Bowley's watch was slow
- Margie Higgins' clock was slow
- The clock at Memorial Hospital was slow
- Roger Craig was lying about seeing a Mauser
- Roger Craig was lying about seeing Oswald run down the hill and get into a Nash Rambler
- So was Marvin Robinson
- So was Mrs. James Forrester
- Ed Hoffman was lying about seeing two men behind the fence break down a rifle
- Gordon Arnold was lying about being on he grassy knoll during the assassination and shots being fired from behind him
- Rose Cheramie was lying about riding in a car with two men who told her that they were going to kill the president in Dallas in just a few days
- Acquilla Clemons was mistaken about seeing two men at the scene of Tippit shooting from her front porch, one who had a pistol and was waving the other man away, neither of whom resembled Oswald.
- Frank Wright was mistaken about seeing a man standing over Tippit after he was shot and then driving away in a gray, 1951 Plymouth coupe.
- Gerald Hill was mistaken about the shells being from an automatic .38
- Gerald Hill was mistaken about there being 3 shells in Benavides' cigarette packet
- Julia Ann Mercer was mistaken about seeing two men exit a green Ford truck with what looked like a gun case and carry it up the grassy knoll at about 10:50.
- Sam Holland was mistaken about seeing a puff of smoke come out from under trees on the grassy knoll
- Bernard Haire was lying about seeing police escort a man with a white pullover shirt from the rear of the Texas Theater
- Aletha Frair was lying about seeing Lee Oswald's driver's license
- So was Lee Bozarth
- Sylvia Odio was mistaken about Oswald visiting her apartment in Houston with two hispanic men in late September, 1963
- Annie Odio was also mistaken about the same thing
- Darrell Tomlinson was mistaken about which stretcher he found a bullet on
- O.P. Wright was mistaken about what the bullet looked like
- Bardwell Odum was mistaken when he said he never saw CE399 or showed it to anybody
- Earlene Roberts was mistaken about a police car stopping and honking while Oswald was in the rooming house
- Eugene Boone was mistaken about the Mauser
- Seymour Weitzman was mistaken about the Mauser
- Marrion Baker was mistaken about the 3rd or 4th floor suspect
- Victoria Adams was mistaken about when she went down the stairs
- Carolyn Arnold was mistaken about seeing Oswald in the second floor lunchroom at 12:25
- The Parkland doctors were all mistaken about the back of the head wound
- George Burkley was mistaken about the location of the back wound
- Sibert and O?Neill were mistaken about a back wound below the shoulders, a shallow back wound, and surgery to the head area
- Rosemary Willis was mistaken about a shot coming from the grassy knoll
- Jean Hill was lying about seeing a shooter on the grassy knoll
- Bill Newman was mistaken about a shot coming from directly behind him
- Nellie Connally was mistaken about seeing JFK reacting after the first shot
- John Connally was mistaken about which shot hit him
- John Connally had a "delayed reaction" from being struck in the chest by a bullet
- Jack Ruby was demented when he said "Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world".
- Whaley didn't record his passenger times accurately
- Oswald forgot that he was carrying around an ID card with the name he used to purchase the guns he used that day
- Oswald just happened to have 5 wallets
- The other 7 firearms experts weren't as skilled as Nicol
- The other photography experts weren't as skilled as Kirk
- The other fingerprint experts weren't as skilled as Scalice's examination of photographs 30 years later
- The post office forgot to follow their own rules about PO box delivery
- Railway Express forgot to follow their own rules about delivery of weapons
- Louis Feldsott said that Klein's purchased C2766 in June, 1962, but he really meant February, 1963.
- The police didn't record interrogations in those days
- Carl Day forgot to tell the FBI about the palmprint
- Paraffin tests aren't reliable, except when they are
- Vince Drain wrote up two versions of the report on the paper bag characteristics before the results were determined so that he could just throw away the one that was incorrect.
- Dr. Shaw at Parkland just accidentally referred to a fragment in Connally's leg as a bullet
- Oswald snuck off from work in the morning when he was supposed to be working to walk to a post office over a mile away and back in order to go buy a money order and mail an order to Klein's and then falsified his timesheet and nobody noticed.
- The police just accidentally mistook a copper-jacketed 6.5mm bullet for a .30 caliber steel-jacketed bullet
- John Hurt got drunk and just tried to call Oswald in jail to express his outrage over what Oswald had done.  Actually, no, wait, the switchboard operator just made up the whole story.
- Joseph Milteer just made a lucky guess
- W.R. (Dub) Stark was mistaken about Tippit's phone call from the record shop
- So was Louis Cortinas
- Albert Bogard was lying about Oswald test driving a car
- So was Eugene Wilson
- So was Frank Rizzo
- Malcolm Price was mistaken about Oswald practicing at the Sports Drome Rifle Range
- So was Garland Slack
- Edith Whitworth was mistaken about the Oswalds coming in to the Furniture Mart and looking for a gun part
- Dial Ryder was lying about mounting a scope on an Argentinian rifle for a customer named Oswald
- Dr. Humes burned his autopsy notes because he didn't want the president's blood to fall into hands of people with peculiar ideas about the value of that type of material.  But he also burned a copy of the notes and a first draft report that had no blood on them, and he neglected to burn Boswell's autopsy notes, even though they did have blood on them.
- Seth Kantor was mistaken about seeing Jack Ruby at Parkland
- Butch Burroughs was lying when he said he sold popcorn to Oswald at 1:15
- Benavides thought the killer had a squared-off hairline because the guy's jacket collar was hiding the actual hairline
- Marina confused Nixon with LBJ (i.e. the Vice President) who was in Dallas in April '63.
- R.J. Gebelein from the Winchester-Western company really meant 1954 when he wrote to Stewart Galanor that their last production of the 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano cartridges was in 1944.
- Shirley Randall was mistaken about SS asking her to get "...someone to come and wash the blood out of the car"
- The SS had to remove blood spatter evidence to get the bubble top back on.
- The SS had to remove more blood spatter evidence so they could drive the car.

added by Rick McTague:
- Dr. Evalea Glanges lied when she stated that there was a "through and through bullet hole, front to back" in the windshield of the limo.
- Dr. Malcom Perry was either mistaken or lied when he told the press 3 times on 11/22/63 that the throat wound was an entrance wound.
- Lee Bowers lied about seeing the 3 cars entering and driving in the parking lot the 20 minutes before the shooting, the men inside them, the 2 men behind the fence, a flash of light, gun smoke and hearing the last 2 shots "almost on top of each other".
- Every person who said they smelled gunsmoke in the area after the shooting is lying.
- Richard C. Dodd was lying about gunsmoke coming from the top of the hedges at the top of the grassy knoll and footprints and cigarette butts behind the fence.
- J. C. Price (atop the Terminal Annex building) was lying about the shots coming from the area near the triple underpass and seeing a man running behind the fence, through the parking lot and behind the TSBD.
- James L. Simmons lied about seeing a puff of smoke from the wooden fence and hearing shots come from that area.
- Charles Brehm lied about the skull fragment from JFK's head fly back and to the left.
- Robert Vinson was lying about seeing LHO on the CIA flight out of Dallas to Roswell.

Exemplary research, Mr. Iacoletti, no great surprise considering the reliable source.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #136 on: April 12, 2022, 06:01:09 PM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #137 on: April 12, 2022, 07:28:45 PM »
Does characterizing the jacket found as white preclude it from being the one placed in evidence or not?  Walt has suggested that because the jacket was described as "white" it cannot be the same one in evidence,  Do you agree or not?  In my opinion, that jacket could be reasonably described as white, gray, or even tan depending on the light or shade.

Richard, when they resort to arguing white versus grey, well, you know they've lost the argument.  They know it, too... or they wouldn't argue such a lame non-issue.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #138 on: April 12, 2022, 08:48:12 PM »
I've been compiling a list of lame excuses that LNers make to "explain" away conflicting or contradictory evidence in this case.  Feel free to suggest any additions.

- Howard Brennan lied at the lineup because he was scared for his family.
- Howard Brennan had the ability to estimate a man's height and weight from seeing him in a crouched position from the chest up.
- Klein's mistakenly put February on a March deposit slip
- J. M. Poe forgot to mark the shells
- Studebaker accidentally didn't photograph the bag
- The police forgot to check Oswald's pockets for hours after he was arrested
- Buell Frazier was mistaken about the length of the package
- Linnie Mae Randle was mistaken about the length of the package
- Linnie Mae Randle could see through a wall
- Essie Mae Williams just didn't notice the bag Oswald was carrying
- Arnold Rowland was lying about seeing an elderly black man
- Arnold Rowland was lying about seeing two men on the sixth floor
- So was Carolyn Walther
- So was Ruby Henderson
- Amos Euins was mistaken about seeing a colored man in the sixth floor window
- Amos Euins was mistaken about seeing a man with a bald spot in the sixth floor window
- Jack Dougherty just didn't notice the bag Oswald was carrying
- Marina Oswald was mistaken about the camera viewfinder and how many pictures she took
- The bullet holes don't match because JFK's jacket was bunched
- The lower hole in the autopsy back photo is just a spot of blood
- In every interview and affidavit Charles Givens gave for over 4 months after the assassination he forgot the detail about going back to the sixth floor to get cigarettes and seeing Oswald there.
- Bonnie Ray Williams was mistaken when he said in his affidavit that he only heard two shots
- Carolyn Walther was mistaken about seeing a man with a brown sport coat
- Richard Randolph Carr was mistaken about seeing a man in a brown sport coat in an upper floor of the TSBD
- James Worrell was mistaken about seeing a man in a dark sports jacket run out the back of the building
- The first 6 officers on the 6th floor just didn't notice the long bag
- Helen Markham didn't understand the question 6 times
- The clock at Markham's washateria was slow
- T. F. Bowley's watch was slow
- Margie Higgins' clock was slow
- The clock at Memorial Hospital was slow
- Roger Craig was lying about seeing a Mauser
- Roger Craig was lying about seeing Oswald run down the hill and get into a Nash Rambler
- So was Marvin Robinson
- So was Mrs. James Forrester
- Ed Hoffman was lying about seeing two men behind the fence break down a rifle
- Gordon Arnold was lying about being on he grassy knoll during the assassination and shots being fired from behind him
- Rose Cheramie was lying about riding in a car with two men who told her that they were going to kill the president in Dallas in just a few days
- Acquilla Clemons was mistaken about seeing two men at the scene of Tippit shooting from her front porch, one who had a pistol and was waving the other man away, neither of whom resembled Oswald.
- Frank Wright was mistaken about seeing a man standing over Tippit after he was shot and then driving away in a gray, 1951 Plymouth coupe.
- Gerald Hill was mistaken about the shells being from an automatic .38
- Gerald Hill was mistaken about there being 3 shells in Benavides' cigarette packet
- Julia Ann Mercer was mistaken about seeing two men exit a green Ford truck with what looked like a gun case and carry it up the grassy knoll at about 10:50.
- Sam Holland was mistaken about seeing a puff of smoke come out from under trees on the grassy knoll
- Bernard Haire was lying about seeing police escort a man with a white pullover shirt from the rear of the Texas Theater
- Aletha Frair was lying about seeing Lee Oswald's driver's license
- So was Lee Bozarth
- Sylvia Odio was mistaken about Oswald visiting her apartment in Houston with two hispanic men in late September, 1963
- Annie Odio was also mistaken about the same thing
- Darrell Tomlinson was mistaken about which stretcher he found a bullet on
- O.P. Wright was mistaken about what the bullet looked like
- Bardwell Odum was mistaken when he said he never saw CE399 or showed it to anybody
- Earlene Roberts was mistaken about a police car stopping and honking while Oswald was in the rooming house
- Eugene Boone was mistaken about the Mauser
- Seymour Weitzman was mistaken about the Mauser
- Marrion Baker was mistaken about the 3rd or 4th floor suspect
- Victoria Adams was mistaken about when she went down the stairs
- Carolyn Arnold was mistaken about seeing Oswald in the second floor lunchroom at 12:25
- The Parkland doctors were all mistaken about the back of the head wound
- George Burkley was mistaken about the location of the back wound
- Sibert and O?Neill were mistaken about a back wound below the shoulders, a shallow back wound, and surgery to the head area
- Rosemary Willis was mistaken about a shot coming from the grassy knoll
- Jean Hill was lying about seeing a shooter on the grassy knoll
- Bill Newman was mistaken about a shot coming from directly behind him
- Nellie Connally was mistaken about seeing JFK reacting after the first shot
- John Connally was mistaken about which shot hit him
- John Connally had a "delayed reaction" from being struck in the chest by a bullet
- Jack Ruby was demented when he said "Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world".
- Whaley didn't record his passenger times accurately
- Oswald forgot that he was carrying around an ID card with the name he used to purchase the guns he used that day
- Oswald just happened to have 5 wallets
- The other 7 firearms experts weren't as skilled as Nicol
- The other photography experts weren't as skilled as Kirk
- The other fingerprint experts weren't as skilled as Scalice's examination of photographs 30 years later
- The post office forgot to follow their own rules about PO box delivery
- Railway Express forgot to follow their own rules about delivery of weapons
- Louis Feldsott said that Klein's purchased C2766 in June, 1962, but he really meant February, 1963.
- The police didn't record interrogations in those days
- Carl Day forgot to tell the FBI about the palmprint
- Paraffin tests aren't reliable, except when they are
- Vince Drain wrote up two versions of the report on the paper bag characteristics before the results were determined so that he could just throw away the one that was incorrect.
- Dr. Shaw at Parkland just accidentally referred to a fragment in Connally's leg as a bullet
- Oswald snuck off from work in the morning when he was supposed to be working to walk to a post office over a mile away and back in order to go buy a money order and mail an order to Klein's and then falsified his timesheet and nobody noticed.
- The police just accidentally mistook a copper-jacketed 6.5mm bullet for a .30 caliber steel-jacketed bullet
- John Hurt got drunk and just tried to call Oswald in jail to express his outrage over what Oswald had done.  Actually, no, wait, the switchboard operator just made up the whole story.
- Joseph Milteer just made a lucky guess
- W.R. (Dub) Stark was mistaken about Tippit's phone call from the record shop
- So was Louis Cortinas
- Albert Bogard was lying about Oswald test driving a car
- So was Eugene Wilson
- So was Frank Rizzo
- Malcolm Price was mistaken about Oswald practicing at the Sports Drome Rifle Range
- So was Garland Slack
- Edith Whitworth was mistaken about the Oswalds coming in to the Furniture Mart and looking for a gun part
- Dial Ryder was lying about mounting a scope on an Argentinian rifle for a customer named Oswald
- Dr. Humes burned his autopsy notes because he didn't want the president's blood to fall into hands of people with peculiar ideas about the value of that type of material.  But he also burned a copy of the notes and a first draft report that had no blood on them, and he neglected to burn Boswell's autopsy notes, even though they did have blood on them.
- Seth Kantor was mistaken about seeing Jack Ruby at Parkland
- Butch Burroughs was lying when he said he sold popcorn to Oswald at 1:15
- Benavides thought the killer had a squared-off hairline because the guy's jacket collar was hiding the actual hairline
- Marina confused Nixon with LBJ (i.e. the Vice President) who was in Dallas in April '63.
- R.J. Gebelein from the Winchester-Western company really meant 1954 when he wrote to Stewart Galanor that their last production of the 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano cartridges was in 1944.
- Shirley Randall was mistaken about SS asking her to get "...someone to come and wash the blood out of the car"
- The SS had to remove blood spatter evidence to get the bubble top back on.
- The SS had to remove more blood spatter evidence so they could drive the car.

added by Rick McTague:
- Dr. Evalea Glanges lied when she stated that there was a "through and through bullet hole, front to back" in the windshield of the limo.
- Dr. Malcom Perry was either mistaken or lied when he told the press 3 times on 11/22/63 that the throat wound was an entrance wound.
- Lee Bowers lied about seeing the 3 cars entering and driving in the parking lot the 20 minutes before the shooting, the men inside them, the 2 men behind the fence, a flash of light, gun smoke and hearing the last 2 shots "almost on top of each other".
- Every person who said they smelled gunsmoke in the area after the shooting is lying.
- Richard C. Dodd was lying about gunsmoke coming from the top of the hedges at the top of the grassy knoll and footprints and cigarette butts behind the fence.
- J. C. Price (atop the Terminal Annex building) was lying about the shots coming from the area near the triple underpass and seeing a man running behind the fence, through the parking lot and behind the TSBD.
- James L. Simmons lied about seeing a puff of smoke from the wooden fence and hearing shots come from that area.
- Charles Brehm lied about the skull fragment from JFK's head fly back and to the left.
- Robert Vinson was lying about seeing LHO on the CIA flight out of Dallas to Roswell.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #138 on: April 12, 2022, 08:48:12 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #139 on: April 13, 2022, 12:18:01 AM »
Richard, when they resort to arguing white versus grey, well, you know they've lost the argument.  They know it, too... or they wouldn't argue such a lame non-issue.

When the LNs fail to explain how Oswald's grey jacket (CE162), that according to Marina's and Buell Frazier's testimony, was in Irving on Thusday night could end up at the North Beckley roominghouse on Friday at 1PM, you know they haven't got any kind of credible argument to make about the jacket whether it was white or grey.

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #140 on: April 13, 2022, 01:04:53 AM »
I don't know if anyone detailed Mr Newmans account in the 'Trial of LHO' but I have to say Ray Mitcham was correct when he said the map was viewed from an angle and very misleading. It sure was! It looks like he is almost pointing to the TSB but the camera is too far left to show a real line of sight from Newman to the pergola. the West map(Or any map) tells a different story.
  He marks an area a few feet east of the east pergola. That location is almost directly north of him.  It is only about 20 degrees away from being directly behind him as he faced the limo at frame 313. The 6th floor window on the other hand is about 50 degrees east of the pergola at 313. The window is 110 degrees off to his left as he faces the limo in 313.
  So his mark is only 20 degrees away from being directly behind him and 50 degrees away from the 6th floor window.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #140 on: April 13, 2022, 01:04:53 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #141 on: April 13, 2022, 02:01:11 AM »
A testament to your dishonesty is that you "forgot" to copy this part:

Mr. BELIN. I'm going to hand you what has been marked as Virginia Davis Deposition, Exhibit 2, and ask you to state if this is your signature on here?
Mrs. DAVIS. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Would you read the contents of your deposition Exhibit 2, and I will ask you if there is anything there that is inaccurate. (Reads statement.)
Mr. BELIN. You have read Exhibit 2?
Mrs. DAVIS. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Is there anything in that statement that is inaccurate in any way?
Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Is that what you told the police of Dallas on November 22, 1963?
Mrs. DAVIS. That's right.

The Patton door was Virginia's front door so it doesn't make "Patton" go away. Too bad Virginia was such a bad liar but being able to fool you shows how bad your skill set is and nicely explains why you constantly find yourself cornered and having hissy fits.

Should we have a look at when her sister in law called the police or do you need a break?

A testament to your dishonesty is that you "forgot" to copy this part:

Ahhh poor little Otto made a Noob mistake and forgot to read the ENTIRETY of the Davis Testimony and had his quote all ready to go for his "gotcha" moment until I spoiled his little party with my superior testimony passage where Mrs Davis goes on to CLARIFY exactly what was supposed to be written.

Mr. BELIN. You say, "The man that was unloading the gun was the same man that I saw tonight as No. 2 man in a lineup." Is that right?
Mrs. DAVIS. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. Now, Mrs. Davis, on this statement, Virginia Davis Deposition Exhibit 2, it states that "We heard a shot and then another shot and ran to side door at Patton Street." You say that should have been the front door?
Mrs. DAVIS. That was supposed to be the front door.

And as I pointed out, it's absolutely absurd to believe that Mrs Davis could see the yard from the Patton Street door, she describes in her affidavit events happening in the front yard, events corroborated by other eyewitnesses.

Too bad Virginia was such a bad liar but being able to fool you shows how bad your skill set is and nicely explains why you constantly find yourself cornered and having hissy fits.

Wow, twisted analysis totally devoid of logic, so Mrs Davis is "a bad liar" because in her affidavit the door is wrong and even though in her testimony she straightens it all out, you still persist with your worthless  accusation. But why would a lady who just happened to live near a murder want to make up evidence, where does that go, do you have any proof that she was paid or an agent or even an informant? Anything?

Btw if there was any collusion and a possible conspiracy, or whatever paranoid delusion you're having today, with the Davis girls then surely wouldn't they have all the important details be exactly the same, the fact that there is so many consistencies in their stories but with small expected discrepancies speaks highly of their authenticity.

The problem for you Otto is you haven't been doing this very long at all and from my observations it's obvious you haven't studied any other case in any depth, so my advice is to get out more and try to understand people and what motivates them and start applying this new found knowledge to the JFKA and hopefully your eyes will open.
Because let's be frank here, your current methodology of producing mindless "gotcha" moments from explainable discrepancies is wearing thin and kinda shows that you don't want to solve this case but just want to Troll! Right?

Should we have a look at when her sister in law called the police or do you need a break?

As I explained above small expected discrepancies, lead AWAY from conspiracy, not towards it! DOH!

« Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 02:13:40 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #142 on: April 13, 2022, 11:30:53 AM »
Wonderful workout on the bike, Johnny, as you explain how the impossible scenario becomes a small expected discrepancy that could have been been corrected by her on the spot before signing the affidavit.

Sure, I fully enjoyed the gotcha moment, so let take the short version:

Mr. BELIN. Is there anything in that statement that is inaccurate in any way?
Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Is that what you told the police of Dallas on November 22, 1963?
Mrs. DAVIS. That's right.

What you failed to clarify (LOL) is why she would sign a false statement when the event was fresh in her mind, or did I miss that part?

Instead you're now doing the inverse Bill Brown sing & dance act claiming her '64 recollection is to be trusted over the '63 statement. What a clown show you two have put up lately, and BTW, worth noting how quick B.B. clammed up after being schooled.

Are you ready to guess which of the Davis girls gave Dhority the fourth shell?

Instead you're now doing the inverse Bill Brown sing & dance act claiming her '64 recollection is to be trusted over the '63 statement. What a clown show you two have put up lately, and BTW, worth noting how quick B.B. clammed up after being schooled

I'm only going to say this once more,
they were both together,
they both heard shots,
they both went to the door,
they both saw Oswald cutting across the yard,
they both saw Oswald fiddling with his gun,
You can't see the yard from the Patton street door.
Case Closed!

As they say actions are louder than words and Virginia was fixated on Oswald's actions and simply glossed over the street name. As they say in the classics "Familiarity breeds contempt".

We heard a shot and then another shot and ran to the side door at Patton Street. I saw the boy cutting across our yard and he was unloading his gun.
Mrs. Virginia Davis Affidavit 22nd November 1963

Btw Bill's forgotten more about the Tippit murder than you'll ever know.

Wonderful workout on the bike, Johnny, as you explain how the impossible scenario becomes a small expected discrepancy that could have been been corrected by her on the spot before signing the affidavit.

Sure, I fully enjoyed the gotcha moment, so let take the short version:

Mr. BELIN. Is there anything in that statement that is inaccurate in any way?
Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Is that what you told the police of Dallas on November 22, 1963?
Mrs. DAVIS. That's right.

Recently you stamped your little feet and demanded evidence when I made a typo and said something like "Oswald caught buses and cabs", I usually quickly read through a post for any typo, grammatical error or simplifying certain points and then I post but that just flew right by me, it happens, we're all human. And I didn't just encounter a Policeman being shot just down the road and the stress of seeing the probable killer fiddling with his weapon, she was excited and as I said she just glossed over what to her must have been beyond insignificant.

Are you ready to guess which of the Davis girls gave Dhority the fourth shell?

This attacking of two sweet young eyewitnesses who just happened to live near the killing is just sad and pathetic. The Davis girls aren't on trial.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 11:45:07 AM by John Mytton »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #143 on: April 13, 2022, 11:39:26 AM »
I'm only going to say this once more,
they were both together,
they both heard shots,
they both went to the door,
they both saw Oswald cutting across the yard,
they both saw Oswald fiddling with his gun,
You can't see the yard from the Patton street door.
Case Closed!

As they say actions are louder than words and Virginia was fixated on Oswald's actions and simply glossed over the street name. As they say in the classics "Familiarity breeds contempt".

We heard a shot and then another shot and ran to the side door at Patton Street. I saw the boy cutting across our yard and he was unloading his gun.
Mrs. Virginia Davis Affidavit 22nd November 1963

Btw Bill's forgotten more about the Tippit murder than you'll ever know.

Recently you stamped your little feet and demanded evidence when I made a typo and said something like "Oswald caught buses and cabs", I usually quickly read through a post for any typo, grammatical error or simplifying certain points and then I post but that just flew right by me, it happens, we're all human. And I didn't just encounter a Policeman being shot just down the road and the stress of seeing the probable killer fiddling with his weapon, she was excited and as I said she just glossed over what is really beyond insignificant.

You're taking actual physical act of handing over the bullet way too literally, they were both there and they gave the shell and both took credit, why is that a problem?


they both went to the door,
they both saw Oswald cutting across the yard,
they both saw Oswald fiddling with his gun,
You can't see the yard from the Patton street door.

But you can see (on the photo) the front door of the Davis' house on 10th street.

Now, how long do you think it took the killer to pass that door and jump over the fence at the Patton side?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lame LN excuses
« Reply #143 on: April 13, 2022, 11:39:26 AM »