Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
What have evangelists got to do with anything?
They’re the ones repeating mythology as if it were the truth.
Yeah, great. But that's not really relevant to what I was saying.
Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
So, look at any history book and the official story is that Oswald got a cab from Dealey Plaza to a few blocks away from his boarding house (we have a witness for this as well as Oswald stating that he got the taxi).
Anybody can make up an “official story”.
Anybody? So I can suddenly just go and make up my own "official story" of what happened in the JFK assassination and get all the history books changed can I?
What a ridiculous claim to make.
Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
It also states that he went into his boarding house about 1pm (again we have a witness for this), Oswald himself claimed that he got his revolver
Correction: Fritz claimed that Oswald said this.
Which kind of equates to the same thing, you're just trying to be a picky dick about it.
Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
and it was indeed found on him when he was taken into custody at the theatre.
Nope. When Oswald was taken into custody the alleged revolver was allegedly in the alleged possession of the alleged Bob Carroll. At least according to the official storytellers. But either way that tells you nothing about where or when the revolver was acquired.

Oh Picky Dick is back. Is avoiding the statement in favour of correcting every minute little detail your way of thinking you can disprove everything? Okay, correction, the revolver was taken out of Oswald's possession seconds before he was actually taken into custody at the theatre. Is that better? Once again though, the overall outcome still equates to the same thing so well done on just wasting time.
You entire claim rests on what Fritz remembered days later.
Where as your entire claim that none of the above happened rests on what exactly?
Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
It's all there in black and white in the history books after extensive investigation from highly skilled and respected professionals in their field.
Nice appeal to authority. Evangelists love those kinds of arguments.
Indeed. I can't for the life of me think why these so called evangelists would take the word of these highly skilled and respected professionals in their field rather than the opinions of some random keyboard warrior on the internet whose sole strategy is to just claim something didn't happen without offering any justification or alternative explanation.
Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
Now, are the witnesses 100% reliable? Maybe not. Can we 100% guarantee that that is what happened? Maybe not. But you're the one challenging the official historical account, so what do you have as evidence to prove otherwise?
Sorry, but even “official historical account” writers have the burden of proving their own stories true.
And the fact that the world accepted this account and printed it in all the history books around the world suggests that they did a satisfactory job of doing so. You're saying the official verdict isn't the case so why not show us what you know and tell us what actually did happen.
Quote from: Vincent Baxter on April 21, 2022, 03:42:15 PM
And before you say it, no I don't believe everything I read but there are things we're never going to know 100% for sure.
Or even 50%. So why is it so hard to just stop at I don’t know? Why make up stories?
They're hardly just making up fantasy stories are they. They're clearly basing their conclusion on factual occurrences and testimonies. If Fritz was going to genuinely lie about what Oswald said then I'm sure he would have made up something far more incriminating that what he claims was said.
I can just imagine now going to library in John Iacoletti's ideal world to do some research and picking up books on WWII, The Charles Manson case or The Moors Murders, opening them up and just finding a single page in each one saying "Oh we don't
really know what happened here. Thanks for buying this book though"