Next tact, take the pressure off and make an identical claim with the nearest Lner you can find.
What pressure? You are blowing hot air and you know it. And this Baxter thing is nothing new. I figured that out some time ago. Unlike you, though, I merely found it pathetically funny and sad at the same time.
Haha! This thread has made my day.
Wiedmann: "I figured it some time ago..." it's just you only decided to mention it for the first time after it came to light that you and Otto are the same person? You thought you'd accuse the two people who found you out of the exact same thing too
Yeah, after Bill and I caught out Roger Collins, he said Bill and I were the same person, lightning strikes twice.
Why don't you just show that rather than just claiming it? You do know you've got zero credibility, right?
"You do know you've got zero credibility, right?" said the person who's just lost any ounce of credibility he might have had by being exposed as someone who created an alter-ego solely to back him up in forum debates.
That achieves absolutely nothing?, but having two members here simultaneously supporting each other, now that's an entirely different situation. Muhahaha!
Says one of several LNs who do nothing else but supporting eachother. Go figure....
Care to compare your posting record with that of Baxter?
Compare all you like. I can tell you now that apart from me occasionally applauding Mytton's comments in private from behind my computer screen, there has been very little onscreen interaction between us. Therefore making the notion that we're the same person pretty invalid.
A month or so ago me and you ('you' being your Weidmann moniker) were having rather lengthy ongoing discussions about TV shows dealing in unsolved crimes, whether guilty suspects lie to police, methods of gaining knowledge from books or online, etc, etc. Where was Mytton, or any other LNer on this forum, to join in and back me up during those discussions, eh?
They were nowhere to be seen because our conversation had gone so far off topic from the JKF assassination that it had become only relevant to us two and therefore nobody else felt compelled to join in....all except a certain Otto Beck, of course, who couldn't wait to comment on subjects or previous discussions that didn't involve him. All criticising me and sticking up for you....hmmm, don't need to be Juliet Bravo to work out that one.
Another good question would be; why are you desperately defending Baxter who rarely posts on this forum?
Where is this so-called "desperate defending" of me that Mytton is allegedly doing? Maybe you could log in as Otto Beck and get him to point it out for me?