And the message I posted by Peter Goth was from a PM he wrote me, which should tell you that back in 2019 we had already figured out who Vincent Baxter really was.
So you even PM yourself from these fake accounts too? This is bonkers!
Interesting, that the comment that Weidmann posted was a PM, that's why it conveniently wasn't in Goth's history, so anyway I thought I'd check some "Goth Dates" and after a hefty hiatus "The Goth is Back in Town" and coincidentally he/she is today looking at Weidmann's profile. Very strange.

Btw The very first words of Goth's very first post was "I'm a writer"
Kinda like John Trojan I'm a photogrammetrist, nuclear scientist, etc
Kinda like Mongo's I'm an Engineer,
Kinda like Weidmann's "As my old Law Professor used to say"
Kinda like Roger Collins, I'm a Lawyer