A persecutory deception occurs when a person believes that there is a conspiracy among others to attack, punish or harass him. Although these hallucinations and delusions seem strange to others, they are very real to the person with the disorder. These experiences can be scary and can cause people who experience them to hurt themselves or others.
Haha! Yeah, some nice copying and pasting there but I think you're kind of overblowing and over analysing the whole issue somewhat. To simplify things; a few people found out that you use multiple accounts solely to back up your views on a Internet forum and find the whole thing rather amusing.
To correct your previous copy and paste effort to reflect a more accurate reading of what is happening here, I've done the following edit for you:
A persecutory deception occurs A comical incident occurs when
a person believes some people find out that
there is a conspiracy among others a bloke on an Internet forum posts under multiple guises to
attack, punish or harass him back up his own arguments.
Although these hallucinations and delusions seem strange to others This fact is widely acknowledged by several other members of the forum,
they are very real to the person with the disorder who find the behaviour of this other person rather humourous. These experiences can be
scary highly amusing but also incredibly weird at the same time and can cause the people who have experienced them to
hurt themselves or others chuckle to themselves or in some instances even laugh out loud. In some severe cases, the person who has been caught out posing as multiple identities has been known to offer $100,000 to people if they can prove this, knowing full well that no sane person will ever take him up on his ridiculous offer. They might also start trying to accuse other members on the forum of being the same person in an attempt to swerve the attention away from themselves, but in most cases they don't manage to convince anyone else on the forum and end up just looking quite desperate.