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Author Topic: What is the minimum amount of people needed for a coup d'etat to work?  (Read 4609 times)

Offline Keyvan Shahrdar

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Another person posted a similar question online, "What?s the MINIMUM number of people required for your CT to work?"

There have been successful military coup d'etat throughout history.  I found a list on Wikipedia -

I believe JFK was assassinated as a result of a coup d'etat by the military of the USA.  All signs point to it, including 1) The three tramps where all x-military.  One of the tramps is photographed with the butt of a rifle stamped on his left lapel. 2) One DPD officer's uniform is full of dust with what seems to be roof gravel and is x-military 3) Shots can be seen from the records building and the pergola at the grassy knoll. 4) LHO is ex-military and possibly worked for the CIA. 5) There is a photograph with what seems to be General Landsdale walking next to the tramps. 6) Gunshot wounds to the president are recollected differently by doctors in Parkland Hospital and Bethesda than what is reported by the Warren Commission.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 02:11:57 PM by Keyvan Shahrdar »

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Offline Richard Rubio

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I'm not sure if I agree with all of the enumerated above. It seems a bit awkward without the backup, the 3 bums for example, were nothing but 3 bums.

The minimum amount of people needed to make the conspiracy work?

75-125 I'll say. Top secret,

Offline Robert Reeves

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5) There is a photograph with what seems to be General Landsdale walking next to the tramps.

I wonder why Prouty never managed to ALSO ID Lansdale in this photo (presuming he saw it).

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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What is the minimum amount of people needed for a coup d'etat to work?


Offline Zeon Mason

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Hypothetical number of supporters necessary for LBJ's coup to succeed, in addition to the inner circle of members (approx. 20), at the secret meeting the night before Nov 22/63:

1. James Angelton, CIA counterintellegence director, whose attitute was that CIA was its own branch of governmenet independent of laws because their task was National Security. Angelton would have been extremely concerned about JFK's "scatter the CIA to the winds" statement', as well as JFK forcing Allen Dulles to resign, and also having imprisoned ,by executive order, General Walker in a mental asylum.

2. Dedicated Cold War members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a few lower level WW2 Generals such as General Edwin Walker. 10 individual high ranking officers.

3. VIP's who viewed JFK as a traitor for the Bay of Pigs, and for secret talks with Nikita Khrushchev during the 1962 Missile Crisis. and as an unwilling player, not cooperating with an emerging Globalist oligarchy. (this may be up to 50 members or more, including the owner of TSBD, Harold Byrd, other oil and Military industrialists, and possibly some foreign element of Bilderberg members)

4. Anti Kennedy Mafia, Cuban exiles and or BOP operatives. 10 members at least, with possibly Alpha 66 members numbering as high as 50 members.

5. FBI director Hoover, whom they knew could easily be influenced to "go along" with whatever aftermath investigation might happened.

6. Main body of supporters, not in the know ,but many of them suggesting JFK was a traitor. Those would include Milteer's far right element,  and the element of US population, who supported Barry Goldwater, and felt that forced integration was a violation of the Constitution, and also considered JFK was "weak" and was allowing Communism to advance around the world. approx no= 40% of US population in 1963= 80 million people.

Its really a kind of cascading event, instigated by LBJ and the few inner circle,  with a calculation that the other larger groups will "fall in line" after the fact, accepting and approving the action, even though they might be initially stunned how violent the act was. They would rationalize the coup as a necessary, but temporary evil, for the greater good of keeping America free from Communist infiltration.

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Offline Matt Grantham

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  Hard lines on this are a little absurd. It seems obvious that many individuals were either leveraged through direct intimidation, indirect intimidation, or fears of creating WW 3 Are we supposed to count all those folks as being in on it

Offline Jerry Freeman

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All you need to make a coup d'etat work is the man that pulls the trigger.
There can be 100 that plans it but....right?

Offline Steve Howsley

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