All of that doesn't dispel the hokey story given about the killing of Officer Tippit that White relays.
As for Ed Lansdale? Let's see some proof.
Max Boot wrote a book on Lansdale, "The Road Not Taken":
Article on Max Boot and his book on Lansdale:
Really, some of what the CTs say is just slander. By the way, Boot mentions this briefly in the video.
Some real evidence is needed.
And Boot, I don't really agree with a lot of what he says but he is seen as a major columnist nowadays, born in Moscow:
Nothing to tie Lansdale to the JFK assassination except some picture of the back of a guy's head. Watch the video and find out more about Lansdale and then, contemplate, could he have been indeed involved?
Tippit wasn't alone when he was shot? Right. Also, there is an airport named after one of the Dulles', Washington DC; Lansdale was in the CIA and a higher up, I guess, at some point he must have known the Dulles'. Another so-what?
at 1:33 of the video, above, a man asks the panel, including Fletcher Prouty, he asks ''I heard Mark Lane say, not only was George Bush director of the CIA, but as far back as 1963, and even beyond, he was a member of the CIA -- I would like any of the panelist to confirm what Mark Lane said based on what they know. And be specific." -- At which point John Judge chimes in with the story of the documents mentioning a George Bush of the CIA, one an FBI memo mentioning a G Bush of the CIA debriefing anti-Castro Cubans in Miami, the other document mentioned George Bush grassing on someone in the Republican party called Parrot. And lastly Judge mentions the ships used in the Bay Of Pigs raid, the ships, which he says directly link Bush to the CIA, due to the names of the ships - Zapata - Barbara - Houston.
Notice Col.Prouty doesn't say a word. In other instances, Prouty has revealed, during his role as the Chief of Clandestine Ops, he was the purchaser of those ships. That he supplied the CIA with the ships for the mission.
To Jeff Orr
RE: The names of the ships used in the Bay of Pigs operation that were named for the BUSH family.
I was asked to locate three transport vessels to support the Bay of Pigs landing.I was able to get them and sent them to a U.S. Navy base in North Carolina where they were prepared for that operation. In the process they were painted and then given the names: HOUSTON, ZAPATA,and BARBABA. The name Houston was where Bush's business was. Zapata was trhe name of his oil company. Barbra was the name of his wife. Whoever selected those names certainly knew Geroge Bush in 1960.
L. Fletcher Prouty
Here (below) is a reply from Col.Prouty to a question asked on his own website's letters section re Bush/CIA -- of all the people in the room you might think, Col.Prouty, his role as CIA liaison officer at the Pentagon, Chief of special ops/Clandestine ops, he had knowledge of Bush being, whether real, or not,in the CIA prior to his role as Director in the mid 70s.
the Houston sinking

So why didn't Col.Prouty come forth with the information at this televised debate, but was forthcoming and open and honest on his website in the late 90s re his strange dealings with the CIA/possibly Bush.Why wasn't it deemed worthy of public knowledge then, when Bush Snr was a public servant still running for President. I can see there might have been deniability built into the mission and Prouty never knew of Bush Sr's involvement, but really, I doubt it. Prouty taught Bush Snr at Yale.
These, supposedly, ex CIA/OSS operatives, are tricky customers. They're always going to be loyal to the CIA/IC community, to their comrades. Always skirting with the truths, if asked a direct question, or like Prouty, prepared to keep their mouth shut when in position to shed light upon the situation at hand. Prouty was shown the Tramps photos by Sprague, he much later on revealed to immediately noticed Lansdale - he noticed it was Lansdale but said nothing to Sprague. Prouty told only two people connected with JFK research that he'd spotted Landale in the tramp photo, Mae Brussell, and Jim Garrison. Prouty waited until 1985 to send out the tramp photo to various people who knew Lansdale to ID him.The letter from Krulak identifying Lansdale is dated 1985, Lansdale died in 1987.

I've been following (not too creepily) Max Boot and what he's said about Lansdale. I noted he praised Gen.Krulak, but fails to mention Krulak also identified Lansdale from the tramp photo. Maybe he doesn't know?