most of crowd is looking towards TSBD as JFK limo approaches, so more lilely shooter is seen if trying to shoot on approach.
most of crowd is looking away from TSBD, and thus away from shooter, when JFK limo moves down Elm st. so less likely shooter is seen taking shots from behind.
What is odd imo, is why the SW gunman, seen by Arnold Rowland, at 12:15pm, did not return to that same SW window. Its actually the best window to shoot from behind, because the following reasons:
1. No adjacent building nearby to the the snipers SW corner, unlike the SE window which has an East window that allows LOS from any persons on upper floors of Daltex building.
2. Allows a clear LOS to JFK in the limo, even if SS agents were riding on the rear, because the shooters angle is slighty to the side of the limo.
3. A much smaller % of the crowd would have a visual to the shooter on this side TSBD, than at the SE window.
4. The shooter can easily use the lefthand corner of the window ledge as his rifle rest with less obstruction from pipes to the left of that window, and fewer boxes stacked up.
5. The distance to the staircase, or to the west elevator is 100 ft less distance than from SE window. There is no zigzagging required either, it is a straight line to the stairs/west elevator, unobstructed.
6. there are several West windows along that west aisle that the shooter could have thrown his rfile out to an accomplice standing below, on the roof top of the loading dock annex on that side the building. That accomplice could have then taken rifle and exited off the roof or tossed it to someone in car beside edge of that side of the annex. The rifle would be gone from TSBD as quickly as 20 sec posts shots.
7. shooter could have taken West elevator down to 1st floor after having moved it to 6th floor just after Baker/Truly began up the 5th floor staircase. So when B&T go to 5th floor landing, the West elevator appeared to be gone. It was actually on the 6th floor, and because Baker failed to stop to check the 6th lfoor, allowed shooter go down on the West elevator to the 1st floor. It was not Jack Dougherty, but the shooter, who used the west elevator.