I certainly can understand some apprehension about releasing the film. I remember watching a show Mort Sahl hosted back in the day before an audience upon the first airings of the Zapruder film in 1970-whichever year ('74-'75?) it was. People in the audience were moaning at the graphic nature of the film. Maybe? They thought that wasn't such a good thing to show the public? I would not attach anything sinister to it. Question the decision, fine. Mort Sahl, on one of the Southern California stations back then, one of the independents, I forget, like KHJ or KTTV, channel 9 and 11. Mort is still living. A few videos on Mort, that would really be something if I could find that old show. There was a Conservative on it for balance, a sort of liberal and conservative hosted show.

Mort Sahl with Tom Brokaw, where were you when JFK was assassinated?