Here are some kook bag answers for you Proctoboy. Let's begin with the most likely premise, that this was a conspiracy. All but the LNers think Oswald acted alone. The rest of the world thinks he was a patsy. The conspirators empowered you LNer shills to be the DWC (Defenders of the Warren Commission). Your mission was to extend the debate just long enough for all involved to croak. So far, so good, your efforts have managed to provide token opposition and cast doubt on the conspiracy to almost call this one a 100% successful coup d'etat. Only GHWB remains to stick a fork in this one. Once all the conspirators are dead and they get off scott-free, 100% win! But that's like a no-hitter going into the 9th. Otherwise, the conspirators won this one clean when the foxes formed the WC hen house.
Why didn't Greer stop the limo for the first shot?
Where/when was that?
- Then ask Greer why he stopped the limo when turning onto Elm?
- Then ask yourself why Oswald didn't take a shot with JFK 60 feet directly in front of him at a dead stop?
- Then ask yourself why the FBI cut out that section of the Z film?
Did he wait until Kennedy was shot until he decided to stop/slow down the limo ?
No, Greer knew the exact place on Elm to slow the limo down to, the Turkey Shoot Point (TSP). Whether Greer knew why he was slowing the limo down is unknown. Same as the SS agent that got called off of the back of the limo and responded with WTF open arms. Obviously, some SS agents were in on it and some weren't. I doubt that any of them knew how deep the rabbit hole went, they were just pawns with minimal need to know info re the coup. Once it all went down, they were committed to STFU.
So why do I claim the Z film was edited? Because there are obvious splice points in the film and Zapruder did not recall taking his finger off the camera trigger as the motorcade turned onto Elm. But the most important aspect is that the Z film is missing the "1st Overexposure Frame" when you stop then start a film camera. The Z film that we see is clearly a copy and the turn onto Elm has been erased. So what happened at the turn onto Elm and why didn't Oswald take the 1st shot?
JFK wasn't killed until he reached the TSP so the conspirators could paint the narrative that Oswald was shooting at him from the TSBD. The TSP was designed to allow the snipers full access to JFK and if you timed it right, you could make 3 or 4 shots sound like 1, which was the case. One of those shots was from the knoll and it was frangible. This shot blew out a gaping hole in the right temple of JFK. A simultaneous shot from the overpass likely created the hole in the back of JFK's head (which the medicos and Z film editors tried their darndest to erase from the records).
With so much other evidence pointing to Oswald being a patsy, why do you cling to the LN narrative, Proctoboy?
You're a sick man Daffy. Seek advice. So you're backing about 6 or seven different kook theories and wrapping it up in what is now known as
The Daffy Theory. Multiple shooters, sheep dipped, rabbit hole, films altered, SS compliance, coup d'?tat,

OMFG you are one of those all-star nuts. You're a scary dude. I hope we're tracking you offline too.