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Author Topic: Forum Rebuild is interest building opportunity, but thread titles= SAME OLD  (Read 5804 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Am I the only one, or have others noticed this? Why is so little curiousity evident here?
I find my self going to other places to find different and even new things to think about and
leads to pursue. John aka Jean V Grombach, aka Frenchy Grombach grew up in NOLA.
Before WWII, Grombach had a special assignment, military Intel background similar to Phil Strong's.
Strong went to Hill School in Pottstown with Walker Spencer and two Henry Luce golden boys.
Spencer was Strong's Princeton roommate. Spencer was best man in NOLA CIA chief William Burke's
Grombach headed the secret Intel org called The Pond for 13 years until 1955. This week a couple
CTs have pointed out that Jean Laffitte. posed as a world class chef in a restaurant in the NOLA trade mart.
They asserted that Lafitte, James Phelan, and a mysterious Allan Hughes, a former military CIC operative,
burglarized Jim Garrison's office. I had not read that before. I found enough information related to Hughes
to trace him to a son who is a former city manager and spouse of a sitting judge.

Is the redundancy here by design? I have posted enough to give anyone interested, before the data loss here,
plenty to justify rethinking or at least taking a new look at what Garrison, his investigation, and Stone's movie
JFK were actually about. Oswald was not from Dealey Plaza or the TSBD. He was from New Orleans.
Is it not yet time to separate fact from fiction about the NOLA players and what actually happened there?
I keep reading about Garrison being attacked, yet I have found and presented evidence Garrison misled and
manipulated his strongest supporters. Is there more value in finding why he did that or in guessing the
inside the TSBD movements of Baker or the meanings and motives revealed in testimony of TSBD
employee Ms Reid?

« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 09:56:18 PM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Dale Nason

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Be careful what you say about Jim Garrison. He was on to something. No doubt about it. He may not have been 100 percent right. But, he was on to something. Some one or some group was out to get him. That, I have no doubt about. God rest his soul. He knew more than he told. I'm sure of that.

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Be careful what you say about Jim Garrison. He was on to something. No doubt about it. He may not have been 100 percent right. But, he was on to something. Some one or some group was out to get him. That, I have no doubt about. God rest his soul. He knew more than he told. I'm sure of that.

Yes, he was certainly 'on to something' (and on something?).  Sorry, couldn't resist. As Tom previously stated, Big Jim was playing both sides.  Why?

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Steve Howsley

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Be careful what you say about Jim Garrison. He was on to something. No doubt about it. He may not have been 100 percent right. But, he was on to something. Some one or some group was out to get him. That, I have no doubt about. God rest his soul. He knew more than he told. I'm sure of that.

More a case of he told more than he knew. Read Hugh Ainsworth's account of meeting him and how he operated. Garrison was a screwball. Not the first and certainly not the last screwball to reach high office.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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HUGH AYNESWORTH........Mr Everywhere

As a local reporter for J. Bannerman Dealey's Dallas Times Herald, Hugh Aynesworth was all over the place during the assassination weekend. He was at Dealey Plaza, the Tippit murder scene, the Texas Theater where the accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested, the house in Irving where Oswald's wife lived, the rooming house where Oswald lived and the Dallas Police Department where he was killed.[1]

It's important to mention Aynesworth's background and his presence at so many crime scenes because while it always seemed suspicious, and his CIA ties were confirmed with the release of CIA records by the JFK Act.

As Jim DiEugenio notes, "many more pages of documents have been released showing how tightly bound Aynesworth was with the intelligence community. It has been demonstrated that Aynesworth was ? at the minimum ? working with the Dallas Police, Shaw's defense team, and the FBI. He was also an informant to the White House, and had once applied for work with the CIA. As I have noted elsewhere, in the annals of this case, I can think of no reporter who had such extensive contacts with those trying to cover up the facts in the JFK case..."[2]

Rex Bradford, the web master of Mary Ferrell's extensive files on the case wrote, "Declassified documents show that Dallas reporter Hugh Aynesworth was in contact with the Dallas CIA office and had on at least one occasion 'offered his services to us.' The files are chock full of Aynesworth informing to the FBI, particularly in regard to the Garrison investigation?.Also of note is a message Aynesworth sent to?LBJ's White House, in which Aynesworth wrote that 'My interest in informing government officials of each step along the way is because of my intimate knowledge of what Jim Garrison is planning.'" [3]
More here.......

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Offline Tom Scully

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NOTE: If you do not want to invest the time to read this reply, I created a new thread with a brief OP that
might be more attractive tp readers living very busy lives...,1734.msg44747.html#msg44747
Intention Aside, Did Stone's "JFK, the Movie" Destroy Potential to be informed?

HUGH AYNESWORTH........Mr Everywhere

 More here.......


Re: ".'Right to work' born at News -- Writer coined term opposing forced union membership," Sunday news story.
The article says that "historians and lawyers agree that the right-work laws were the leading factor in the Sun Belt's success." What is the Sun Belt's success? It is making lots of money for employers and having right-to-work laws helped do that.
How can The Dallas Morning News say that the "right to work editorial in 1941 was not anti-union," when the "right to work" goes against the rights of unions by requiring them to represent all workers, including the ones who do not pay any union dues? The law has been divisive and anti-union from its inception, and it continues to be so today.
Elaine Lantz, Dallas

... have damaged middle class
Regarding your thinly disguised praise for the late William Ruggles, editorial writer for The Dallas Morning News, many of us have always considered him an enemy of the people. The "Right to Work" concept, the most insidious part of the Taft-Hartley Act, has had a negative effect on this nation's middle class, right up to this day. Younger readers also need to remember that when Ruggles was on the editorial staff of The Dallas Morning News, the newspaper was considered the most reactionary major daily of the time.
Aubra Billy Thomas, Dallas

In the bigger picture, was not Jesse Core III, son-in-law of DMN's editorial editor, William Ruggles, much more a "Mr. Everywhere" than
Aynesworth could have ever hoped to be,
beginning with Core's wife....Ruggles's daughter, being at the top of the protests led by Mac Wallace?

Perhaps, if Jesse had not influenced Harold Weisberg to develop a "man crush" on Jesse Core, what I offer in this post would not
seem more obscure than the DMN billboard that is Hugh Aynesworth?:
Core and his fiance Miss Ruggles were feted at a pre-marriage party hosted by the Turtle Creek landlord of Edwin Walker,
in the house Walker rented from that same owner, a dozen years later. :

Core was clandestine CIA and called NOLA broadcaster to
inquire if they were giving realtime coverage to Oswald's pamphlet hand out apperance near the Trade Mart. :

Kerry Thornley said he was taken to Core's office by his mentor, Clint Bolton, a close friend of Bolton.:,119.msg1584.html#msg1584.

A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, Jfk's Assassination, and the ...
Joan Mellen - 2011 - ‎History
Baldwin's successor, Jesse Core, was also with the CIA. It was a matter of saving the Agency ?shoe leather,? Core would say. ...


Why are these two CIA assets and back to back Trade Mart PR directors, David & Jesse, hired by Clay Shaw, seen here three
months apart in 1967, egging on Shaw and then Garrison in opposing directions?

Link: A Farewell to Justice: by Joan Mellen

?One example...:
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK?s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I ? I think ?

JOAN: ? when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people?.

Mellen claimed she interviewed 1200 people, many from New Orleans, in the process of assembling her book on
Jim Garrison and his investigation, and yet, she was emphatic in her rather narrow conclusions I quoted above.

From Joan Mellen?s book :


Link: Background, from Jim DiEugenio:

Page 2:

One year after this 1946 society page clipping, David Baldwin's mother-in-law Mildred Lyons married Monte Leman,
becoming the stepmother of Stephen and Thomas Lemann...

Any possibility Hugh Aynesworth is a meaningless distraction, compared to the actual Zelig (Jesse Core) in the mystery of who Lee Harvey Oswald really was, and really did?
« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 01:45:13 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Rob Caprio

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Yes, he was certainly 'on to something' (and on something?).  Sorry, couldn't resist. As Tom previously stated, Big Jim was playing both sides.  Why?

What evidence do you have to show that he was playing both sides? Furthermore, what sides was he supposedly playing?

Offline Tom Scully

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What evidence do you have to show that he was playing both sides? Furthermore, what sides was he supposedly playing?

Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK?s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I ? I think ?

JOAN: ? when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people?.
You are convincingly sincere in that, despite my many posts of the past two years on the topic of Garrison's well supported duplicity, secrecy
(even failing to disclose to Joan Mellen and Zachary Sklar).... here you are, demanding answers already presented and represented.

Garrison?s investigative records and his June 18, 1967 complaint letter to the FCC indicate he undoubtedly knew of the CIA connections of Shaw?s old hire and friend, David Baldwin and Garrison did
describe Baldwin?s brother-in-law Stephen B Lemann and his CIA reputation in the sixth page of that FCC
letter, and approved publication of the entire text of that letter in the Times-Picayune on June 18.
?.It should be added that the last described endeavor has been accomplished not by members of the station (WDSU) itself, but by an attorney closely connected with the station who has previously been known to disperse funds in the New Orleans area in behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency?.

Garrison knew that David Baldwin was godfather and first cousin of his wife, Liz Ziegler Garrison.

It is established that Garrison made some noise about CIA interference. He did not name those names.
Shaw knew of the relationship of Garrison?s wife to the Baldwin brothers in the same week Shaw was arrested. Any trial lawyer can verify that appeals courts look very unfavorably on issues raised on appeal that were known to the appellant but not raised at trial.

Did Garrison obstruct justice in his own investigation and in the prosecution of Clay Shaw by not
revealing to anyone that Shaw hired David Baldwin, fresh from covert CIA assignment in India, or
that Stephen B Lemann and his father were closely connected to the CIA? Garrison?s files reveal that he
knew those details, some from a May 5, 1967 memo from ADA Oser, and the rest from a May 24, 1967 from
ADA William R Martin, a former part-time investigator in Banister?s office, and a CIA asset. Baldwin?s
brother Edward?s law partner James Quaid Jr wrote to CIA director Helms in May, 1967, asking to be
included in the list of CIA approved lawyers in NOLA. Edward had been the law partner of Warren Commission
senior asst. counsel and former NODA, Leon Hubert. Edward Baldwin and Stephen B Lemann were legal counsel
to NBC affiliate WDSU?s Townley and to NBC?s Sheridan. Baldwin was Gurvich?s legal counsel.
Lemann and his brother were booth directors of WDSU, according to the station?s February, 1967 FCC license renewal App. Stephen B. Lemann was WDSU?s legal counsel. He was visibly involved almost from the start.:

See comment at bottom of this page image,ALREADY DISPLAYED IN MY EARLIER on this thread.:

Page 2

Garrison's files indicate he learned the details (Lemann and his bro-in-law, Baldwin) I underlined in red, from this William R Martin memo dated  May, 1967:

« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 08:00:08 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum