You could drive a dump truck through the hole in Donahue's Theory . If the AR 15 had sent a round into the back of JFK's head then JFK's face would have had a huge blown out hole that was actually in the back of JFK's head . The so-called marksmen who were shooting at JFK from the rear did not make a Kill-Shot into JFKs head and that's why the shooters from the front had to make a frontal headshot to JFK's right temple which blew the back of his head out . There were way too many variables involved if the conspirators in the Assassination were going to use Oswald as a Lone Nut assassin of JFK from the rear . They got JFK's dead body out of Dallas and let " Move the Wound Humes " screw up their plan more than it had already been screwed up . I think "theirs" was to get a scam autopsy on JFK , and then get him in the ground as soon as possible . JFK was assassinated on Friday November 22nd 1963 and he was buried on Monday November 25th 1963 . 4 Days ? J. D. Tippit was murdered on Friday November 22nd 1963 and was buried the next day on SaPersonay November 23rd 1963 !!! Lee Harvey Oswald was shot down by Jack Ruby on Sunday and died the same day Sunday November 24th and LHO was buried the same day that JFK was buried , on Monday November the 25th , 1963 . Why were these 3 men put in the ground that fast ? JFK was shot and murdered and our Country took a real bad turn for the worst , that we have not recovered from to this day