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Author Topic: Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police  (Read 5511 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« on: July 16, 2018, 04:13:32 AM »
The Recollections of Jesse Curry

 Given months to prepare for his testimony, Chief Curry did rather poorly...
Mr. RANKIN....When did you learn of the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald?
        Mr. CURRY - While I was out at Parkland Hospital.
        Mr. RANKIN - Do you know about what time that was, the day?
        Mr. CURRY - It was on the 22d and the best I recall it was around 1 o'clock or maybe a little after 1 o'clock.
 [The report of the Tippit shooting didn't get out until when exactly?  Horrible preparation there..Oswald wasn't even known about until much later after he was arrested @2:00 PM]
        Mr. RANKIN - How did that come to your attention?
        Mr. CURRY - Some of my officers came to me and said they had arrested a suspect. in the shooting of our Officer Tippit.
        Mr. RANKIN - What else did they say?
        Mr. CURRY - They also told me a little later, I believe, that he was a suspect also in the assassination of the President.
        Mr. RANKIN - What did you do then?
        Mr. CURRY - I didn't do anything at the time.
The President had been pronounced dead at 1:36

Mr. CURRY - And I returned to the city hall.
        Mr. DULLES - Did I understand correctly, how long were you at Love Field after the plane of the President left?
        Mr. CURRY - As I recall it was approximately an hour.
        Mr. DULLES - That is what I thought.  [why did Dulles say that?]
        Mr. CURRY - We waited there until the casket bearing the President, and then the cars bearing Mrs. Kennedy arrived, and it was, I would judge an hour perhaps.
        Mr. RANKIN - Then what did you do?
        Mr. CURRY - I returned to my office at city hall.
        Mr. RANKIN - Did you do anything about Lee Harvey Oswald at that time?
        Mr. CURRY - No

Mr. CURRY - No. As I went into the city hall it was overrun with the news media.
        Mr. RANKIN - What did you do about that?
        Mr. CURRY - I didn't do anything.

Mr. RANKIN - Did anyone of the police department give them permission [TV news cameras etc] to do this?
        Mr. CURRY - I noticed--well, I don't know who gave them permission because I wasn't there. When I returned they were up there.
        Mr. RANKIN - Did you inquire about whether permission had been given?
        Mr. CURRY - No; I didn't.
Mr. RANKIN - Did you have anything to do with the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald?
        Mr. CURRY - No, sir; I did not. I was in the office once or twice while he was being interrogated but I never asked him any question myself.
        Mr. RANKIN - Do you know who did?
        Mr. CURRY - Captain Fritz principally interrogated him, I believe.
        Mr. RANKIN - Was that his responsibility?
        Mr. CURRY - Yes; it was. There were several people in the office. It seems to me we were violating every principle of interrogation, the method by which we had to interrogate.
        Mr. RANKIN - Will you explain to the Commission what you mean by that?
        Mr. CURRY - Ordinarily an interrogator in interrogating a suspect will have him in a quiet room alone or perhaps with one person there.
        Mr. RANKIN - Is that your regular practice?
        Mr. CURRY - That is the regular practice.
        Mr. RANKIN - Tell us how this was done?
        Mr. CURRY - This we had representatives from the Secret Service, we had representatives from the FBI, we had representatives from the Ranger Force, and they were--and then one or two detectives from the homicide bureau. This was, well, it was just against all principles of good interrogation practice.
        Mr. RANKIN - By representatives can you tell us how many were from each of these agencies that you describe?
        Mr. CURRY - I can't be sure. I recall I believe two from the FBI, one or two, Inspector Kelley was there from Secret Service, and I believe another one of his men was there. There was one, I recall seeing one man from the Rangers. I don't recall who he was. I just remember now that there was one. Captain Fritz, and one or two of his detectives--this was in a small office.
        Mr. RANKIN - Did you do anything about this when you found out there were so many, did you give any instructions about it?
        Mr. CURRY - No; I didn't.

 So... from what can be gathered here is that Chief of Dallas Police Jesse Edward Curry on Nov 22, 1963..just basically stood around and did nothing. He was the only prime official that did not take part in interrogating his own suspect. Didn't even know who was in his own office.. He didn't even order a tape recording so that he could examine an interview with a guy he accused of killing the President of the United States !!! Said he was at Parkland when he "first heard about Oswald " Completely impossible...and utterly unbelievable.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 02:50:08 AM by Jerry Freeman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« on: July 16, 2018, 04:13:32 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2018, 03:07:06 AM »
In the political game of cover your ass and pass the ammunition...Jesse Curry went and blurted to the press that the FBI knew all about Oswald but didn't tell the Dallas police anything.

After that news broke, J Edgar Hoover had called J Gordon Shanklin SAIC Dallas and told him that he had 30 minutes to get a retraction on that out of [his good buddy] Chief Curry or start looking for another job.
Shanklin then called Curry and started crying.....
                                                                                 A discontinued video was replaced above
« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 02:36:18 AM by Jerry Freeman »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 04:00:17 AM »
It seems like Jesse Curry was just answering the questions that were asked of him. One thing for sure is the fact that J. Edgar Hoover was orchestrating a lot of different areas in this case . J. Edgar had just as much to lose as did LBJ . LBJ & Hoover were about to be booted out of their jobs . The Mob supposedly had some pictures of Hoover in some compromising positions and that's why Hoover didn't bother the Mob & then Bobby Kennedy tore into the Mob and it probably cost JFK his life . LBJ was dealing with the fallouts of Billie Sol Estes and Bobby Baker so when JFK was murdered then it was smooth sailing for LBJ and Hoover and the of course Bobby Kennedy was murdered in 1968 . CIA Director McCone told Bobby Kennedy that there was more than one shooter after he saw the Zapruder film . I think Jesse Curry smelled a few "RATS" that weekend. They hated JFK , plain and simple !

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 04:00:17 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2022, 11:58:23 PM »
  I think Jesse Curry smelled a few "RATS" that weekend. They hated JFK , plain and simple !

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Jesse Curry-Dallas 'Standby' Chief of Police
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2022, 11:58:23 PM »