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Author Topic: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?  (Read 120033 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #416 on: February 02, 2019, 04:13:22 AM »
It sure seems as a matter of extraordinary accomplishment that Lee Oswald [if he wasn't a native student] wrote in the Cyrillic far better than he did in his/our own native Latin alphabet. How do you suppose that was?
For example here is a link to the Warren Report pages of his notebook/address book.....   
Below is page one and two of the heralded "Walker note" that Lee allegedly wrote Marina before allegedly vanishing to pop a cap into a general [for no reason at all] Take a good look at this penmanship. No sloppyness, markovers, or scratchouts, at all! [well not on page one anyway. Did Oswald write it? If so--he appeared quite accomplished. If he didn't---- it appears quite fishy.


1. This is the key to the mailbox which is located in the main
post office in the city on Ervay Street. This is the same street
where the drugstore, in which you always waited is located. You
will find the mailbox in the post office which is located 4
blocks from the drugstore on that street. I paid for the box
last month so don?t worry about it.
 2. Send the information as to what has happened to me to the
Embassy and include newspaper clippings (should there be anything
about me in the newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will
come quickly to your assistance on learning everything.
3. I paid the house rent on the 2d so don?t worry about it.
 4. Recently I also paid for water and gas.
 5. The money from work will possibly be coming. The money will
be sent to our post office box. Go to the bank and cash the
6. You can either throw out or give my clothing, etc. away. Do
not keep these. However, I prefer that you hold on to my
personal papers (military, civil, etc.).
 7. Certain of my documents are in the small blue valise.
8. The address book can be found on my table in the study should
need same.
 9. We have friends here. The Red Cross also will help you [Red
Cross in English].
 10. I left you as much money as I could, $60 on the second of
the month. You and the baby [apparently] can live for another 2
months using $10 per week.
11. If I am alive and taken prisoner, the city jail is located
at the end of the bridge through which we always passed on going
to the city (right in the beginning of the city after crossing
the bridge).

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #416 on: February 02, 2019, 04:13:22 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #417 on: February 02, 2019, 05:17:09 PM »
It sure seems as a matter of extraordinary accomplishment that Lee Oswald [if he wasn't a native student] wrote in the Cyrillic far better than he did in his/our own native Latin alphabet. How do you suppose that was?
For example here is a link to the Warren Report pages of his notebook/address book.....   
Below is page one and two of the heralded "Walker note" that Lee allegedly wrote Marina before allegedly vanishing to pop a cap into a general [for no reason at all] Take a good look at this penmanship. No sloppyness, markovers, or scratchouts, at all! [well not on page one anyway. Did Oswald write it? If so--he appeared quite accomplished. If he didn't---- it appears quite fishy.


1. This is the key to the mailbox which is located in the main
post office in the city on Ervay Street. This is the same street
where the drugstore, in which you always waited is located. You
will find the mailbox in the post office which is located 4
blocks from the drugstore on that street. I paid for the box
last month so don?t worry about it.
 2. Send the information as to what has happened to me to the
Embassy and include newspaper clippings (should there be anything
about me in the newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will
come quickly to your assistance on learning everything.
3. I paid the house rent on the 2d so don?t worry about it.
 4. Recently I also paid for water and gas.
 5. The money from work will possibly be coming. The money will
be sent to our post office box. Go to the bank and cash the
6. You can either throw out or give my clothing, etc. away. Do
not keep these. However, I prefer that you hold on to my
personal papers (military, civil, etc.).
 7. Certain of my documents are in the small blue valise.
8. The address book can be found on my table in the study should
need same.
 9. We have friends here. The Red Cross also will help you [Red
Cross in English].
 10. I left you as much money as I could, $60 on the second of
the month. You and the baby [apparently] can live for another 2
months using $10 per week.
11. If I am alive and taken prisoner, the city jail is located
at the end of the bridge through which we always passed on going
to the city (right in the beginning of the city after crossing
the bridge).

Item number 9.... 

9. We have friends here. The Red Cross also will help you [Red
Cross in English].

Lee wrote something in parenthesis after the words "Red Cross"......Looks like..... no- ah2uckeid  ?  What does that mean?

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #418 on: February 02, 2019, 09:26:46 PM »
Item number 9....  Lee wrote something in parenthesis after the words "Red Cross"
The words actually do mean like it was translated  "The Red Cross will help you (Red Cross in English)" The words he endeavored to write was (на английском) pronounced something like --na angleski which means 'in English'.
It seems that he couldn't spell any better in Russian really. I may have been overstating that he was 'accomplished' or 'proficient' however I am myself terrible at typing and can't really spell that well either [in any language] except Spanish is a bit easier.
#11 The city jail was in the center of town. The jail he mentioned was really the county jail.
It seems that he did indeed write those notes despite it's vague meaning. According to the Warren Report as we know, he went gunning for back home and it was like nothing ever happened. I wonder who translated those notes?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #418 on: February 02, 2019, 09:26:46 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #419 on: February 02, 2019, 11:07:27 PM »
The words actually do mean like it was translated  "The Red Cross will help you (Red Cross in English)" The words he endeavored to write was (на английском) pronounced something like --na angleski which means 'in English'.
It seems that he couldn't spell any better in Russian really. I may have been overstating that he was 'accomplished' or 'proficient' however I am myself terrible at typing and can't really spell that well either [in any language] except Spanish is a bit easier.
#11 The city jail was in the center of town. The jail he mentioned was really the county jail.
It seems that he did indeed write those notes despite it's vague meaning. According to the Warren Report as we know, he went gunning for back home and it was like nothing ever happened. I wonder who translated those notes?

Thanks Jerry......  Since the words RED CROSS were written in English.....I wonder why Lee felt he had to add that note.  Surely Marina would have known what the words RED CROSS meant....

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #420 on: February 03, 2019, 04:31:41 PM »
The words actually do mean like it was translated  "The Red Cross will help you (Red Cross in English)" The words he endeavored to write was (на английском) pronounced something like --na angleski which means 'in English'.
It seems that he couldn't spell any better in Russian really. I may have been overstating that he was 'accomplished' or 'proficient' however I am myself terrible at typing and can't really spell that well either [in any language] except Spanish is a bit easier.
#11 The city jail was in the center of town. The jail he mentioned was really the county jail.
It seems that he did indeed write those notes despite it's vague meaning. According to the Warren Report as we know, he went gunning for back home and it was like nothing ever happened. I wonder who translated those notes?

It seems that he did indeed write those notes despite it's vague meaning. According to the Warren Report as we know, he went gunning for back home and it was like nothing ever happened.

It's not that simple, Jerry....   Yes,Lee did write those notes, And he left the blue note book in his "study" where he calculated it would be found by the police after they went to his apartment searching for the culprit who had fired the bullet through Walker's window. Walker had told them that he was sitting in the room and someone tried to kill him...  But that was Walker's story....There's no proof that he was even in the room at the time. 
The blue note book contained a Back Yard photo, showing Lee holding the rifle, photos of Walker's house and the neighboring vicinity around Walker's house. Maps and bus schedules for that vicinity.   All information that made it appear that Lee had carefully planned the attack on Walker..... But .....BUT...IF He had worked so diligently and planned so carefully....Would he have fired only one shot??   If Lee had intended to kill Walker...he had ample time , because Walker himself said that he simply sat there wondering what had happened.... So If that is true and Lee intended to Kill Walker he could have fire a couple more rounds....

The Walker incident was nothing but a hoax.....  It was designed to make it look like a turn coat Marine and a Castro lovin commie had tried to kill one of Castro's most vocal foes.   

In a new book that was published just a few months ago, there is a bit of information about Walker.   HL Hunt ( Millionaire President of Hunt Oil Co.) and Walker were good friends...   Not long before the murder of JFK, Hunt, and his right hand man John Curington, went to Walkers home to visit with General Walker.   During the visit Walker mentioned the name Oswald ( The book doesn't say if the name "Oswald" was spoken more than once)  Curington doesn't reveal the context of the conversation, but I'd guess that the conversation was about the bullet hole in the window....and Who had fired the shot.     You may recall that Walker told the WC that he had never heard of Oswald prior to the assassination of JFK....   But Curington said Walker indicated that Walker was aware of Oswald BEFORE the murder of John Kennedy.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 05:39:25 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #420 on: February 03, 2019, 04:31:41 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #421 on: February 03, 2019, 07:22:16 PM »
Thanks Jerry......  Since the words RED CROSS were written in English.....I wonder why Lee felt he had to add that note.  Surely Marina would have known what the words RED CROSS meant....

The point being....  Did Lee want to be sure that Marina understood that she should look to the US chapter of "Red Cross" and NOT the "Red Cross of the USSR??.... 

Did the US Red Cross have ties to the CIA or State Department ....and did they hold secret records of Lee Oswald's employment??   

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #422 on: February 03, 2019, 07:56:04 PM »
It seems that he did indeed write those notes despite it's vague meaning. According to the Warren Report as we know, he went gunning for back home and it was like nothing ever happened.
That was as stated-- 'according to the Report'. On the police statement [see opening post]...Walker was hit by something in the arm .....a bullet fragment, sliver of wood, or a piece of glass perhaps... but dismissed any medical attention.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #423 on: February 03, 2019, 08:51:50 PM »
That was as stated-- 'according to the Report'. On the police statement [see opening post]...Walker was hit by something in the arm .....a bullet fragment, sliver of wood, or a piece of glass perhaps... but dismissed any medical attention.

Walker was hit by something in the arm .....a bullet fragment,? sliver of wood,? or a piece of glass ? perhaps... but dismissed any medical attention.

WHO ...I ASK... WHO, Verified that Walker had been hit by SOMETHING??[/u ]   Walker put on a show for the reporters who showed up at his house after the loud bang in the dark that Walker claimed was the sound of the gunshot of the commie assassin who had tried to kill him.   He also told reporters that it was the Kennedy's fault because they were allowing commies to run loose. (Sounds like Adolph)  ( a photo taken at the time shows Walker relaxed and smiling after the alleged attack to kill him.

Apparently Walker had a small superficial wound on his arm...which he probably inflicted himself to convince the reporters that he'd nearly been killed....

A little blood can be very convincing....  Remember Lee's "attempted suicide" in Moscow?   Nothing but a superficial wrist wound and a capsule of red dye in water in a bathtub...  But it fooled the Russians.....
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 03:24:42 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Whose Target was General Edwin Walker?
« Reply #423 on: February 03, 2019, 08:51:50 PM »