But you talk about what you think these conspirators do more than people who actually believe in conspirators. 
No idea. What exactly do you think that proves, genius?
You have no idea how the Walker photo wound up in the Paine residence ?
I do.
It was taken by Saint Patsy.
Now, why would your client be photographing the Walker residence ?
There must have been a reason.
Out of all the homes in Dallas, by some miraculous coincidence a photo of the Walker residence is found in the Paine residence where your hero stores things (like his rifle, C2766).
Kinda puts a huge dent in the Saint Patsy was framed for the Walker shooting narrative, doesn't it ?
Corroborates and lends credence to what the note to Marina was about and your client admitting to her that he was the Walker shooter.
So of course you conveniently have 'no idea' how the photo came to be in the Paine residence because you desperately want to continue the absurd charade that the photo might have been planted in a frame up.
Remarkably similar to you having 'no idea' what rifle Saint Patsy is holding in the backyard photos.
I think you have a good idea how the Walker photo wound up in the Paine residence. I think you have a good idea what rifle Saint Patsy is holding in the BY photos too.
You're so transparent I can read my mail through you.