Gen. Walker would have been shot and killed if they wanted him dead . They ( whoever they are or were ) just used the missing kill shot on Walker to tie LHO into the mix early on before they were to Patsy -up LHO to take the fall . LHO was calm during his last hours because he knew he was innocent before Ruby was told to turn out the lights on Oswald and of course make it official from J. Edgar Hoover that this Lone Nut , A Russian sympathizer was to blame for killing JFK and JD Tippit ! Case closed ! Not so fast there J. Edgar . Humes and Ford seem to have moved some wounds around that makes this closed case , OPEN back up ! Surely , 26 volumes of Horse sheet will help make up the minds of so many non-believers and really point the finger at LHO ! Our own rogues ! 9/11 !!!!!