All it takes to change my mind is evidence. Not another fanciful Cakebread story. Evidence.
There's a lot of evidence to support that idea....You're just lacking the ability to understand that evidence.
(A) The Back Yard photo
(singuar , CE 133A) shows a amateur's attempt at deceiving the viewer into believing the man in the photo is a Communist revolutionary , but the photo is a ridiculous charade......Like a carnival photo of the subject sticking his head through a hole in a painting that makes the subject appear to be a convict in prison stripes.
(B) That photo was in a blue notebook, (false dossier,) that Lee had prepared for the police to find in his apartment after they found the easily traceable rifle that he left behind,... the trail of which lead to his PO box.
(C ) The note of instructions that he had left behind for "Marina" ( actually for the police) ....
(D) The photo of Walker's house and the area surrounding his house and maps of the area that were in the false dossier.
(E) Marina's story that Lee had told her that he had taken a shot at Walker...... Marina could only repeat what Lee had told her about trying to shoot Walker...She had no way of knowing that is was all a hoax.
(F) George Demorenschildt Blurting out ( for Marina's ears) " Lee. how could you have missed?"
(G) George De Morhenschildt telling a woman whom he knew was an FBI informant that
"Lee Oswald was the scoundrel who had tried to shoot General Walker" A,B,C,D,E,F,G.......Open your eyes and see.......