Thanks Gary, I read the documents that you provided the link to......But I didn't understand a single word in the German documents
Hoover's letter makes it clear that Walker was the source of the information from which the article was written.
So Hoover knew that Walker knew that Lee Oswald was the person who had fired a bullet through his window..... And yet Walker was never investigated.
It's obvious to me that Walker was a willing participant ( and probably the engineer at the controls) at in the hoax shooting at his house on 4 / 10 /63.
Many researchers have referred to the ambush of JFK as a military operation conducted with well planned military precision.... General Walker certainly qualified as
military strategist....
The telephone transcripts of the 2 conversations are in English but Walker doesn't say anything about knowing LHO was the person who shot at him in them. Are they in the German newpaper copies, (I can't read German either)?
It is noted in JEH's letter to Rankin that the German newspaper article is dated 11/29/63 and Marina didn't divulge the alleged info tying Ozzie to the attempted shooting of Walker until 12/3/63.
So someone at that paper knew the bullet from the Walker shooting was going to be used to tie the TSBD Carcano, and thus LHO, to the shooting, apparently before the authorities in the US.
Did Walker give them the info? If he did, IMO, he had inside info about the Assassination.
The transcripts and copies of the original newspaper articles etc. are at the MFF link below. 45 pages
"Commission Document 1543 - FBI Letter from Director of 26 Jun 1964 with Attachments"