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Author Topic: Rosalynn Carter's WH minder Bill Harvey Berlin secretary sister of JFK WH minder  (Read 5467 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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I  found it noteworthy that between 1961 and 1980, whenever a Democrat occupied the White House, one of two Chrapowicki sisters (name changed to Chapowicki) was installed in a position to observe and obtain information possibly unavailable in any other way to the US Navy/Joint Chiefs in the example of the JFK/LBJ period, and to the IC and Republicans during the Carter presidency.
December 4, 1981
"Rita Regina Merthan, 50, the personal secretary to first lady Rosalynn Carter from 1977 to 1981 and a member of the board of the National Woman's Democratic Club, died Friday...
...Before joining Mrs. Carter's staff, she worked for the Central Intelligence Agency for 14 years and was an executive secretary there....
She is survived by her husband, Lawrence M. Merthan, and a daughter, Molly, both of Washington; her mother, Mary Chapowicki of Worcester; five sisters, Alice Chapowicki and Irene Paradis, both of Worcester, Lottie Dolan, of Orlando, Fla., Elizabeth Shedlick of Paris and Genevieve T. Giuffrida of Falls Church, and three brothers, Stanley, Edwin H. and Robert J. Chadwick, all of Worcester."..

Dr. Janet Travel would not permit Navy Captain George Burkley to treat President JFK, sooooo....
"Navy Nurses Celebrate 100 Years of Dedicated Service

....In February 1961, Navy Nurses LTJG Elizabeth Chapowicki and LTJG Dolores Cornelius are assigned to the White House Medical Unit (WHMU). Although, Navy Nurses attended to the medical care of the president as far back as the Woodrow Wilson administration, these two nurses are the first military nurses to serve in the WHMU. They also assisted with Hurricane Relief that same year on the Texas coast following the hurricane”Carla” and in Honduras following the devastating Hurricane “Hattie”

In 1962 the Nurse Corps Anesthesia Program was established at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD...."
History: Did the CIA Subvert the 1968 U.S. Presidential Election?
Overwhelming Evidence that the CIA Tripped Up Eugene McCarthy, Murdered Robert F. Kennedy, and Hamstrung Hubert Humphrey—all to Give America Tricky Dick
By Robert E. Aldridge
Global Research, June 02, 2022
CovertAction Magazine
...3. Tom McCoy

In the mid-1960s Tom McCoy was in charge of CIA political and psychological operations in East Asia. William Colby had been CIA station chief in Saigon from 1960 to 1962. In 1967 Colby returned to Saigon to establish the Phoenix assassination program and he was surely in close contact with McCoy regarding operations, etc. But in November 1967 McCoy resigned from the CIA and tried to join McCarthy’s anti-Vietnam War campaign organization. He told McCarthy’s people many stories about the war’s blunders and absurdities. But McCarthy was suspicious of McCoy, and refused to give him a position in his campaign organization.[2] ...
...b. CIA allies and McCarthy’s campaign finance organization

On April 21, “Citizens for McCarthy” was established in New York City as McCarthy’s new fundraising organization. “Citizens for McCarthy” was headed by Tom Finletter, a close associate of Cord Meyer. Meyer was a friend of Tom Braden and ran IO after Braden left in 1954. In 1968 he was in charge of much of the CIA’s anti-Soviet operations worldwide—not likely a supporter of McCarthy.

Another member of “Citizens for McCarthy”’s board of directors was Benjamin Buttenwieser, who was closely associated, both socially and professionally, with John J. McCloy, who helped create IO’s secret funding structure. Buttenwieser’s wife Helen, head of the New York Legal Aid Society, was at the center of the U.S. government’s investigation into whether suspected Soviet spy Alger Hiss had any undetected associates at the State Department—and McCloy once said that journalists digging around her legal defense of Hiss threatened to expose some of the government’s most sensitive operations. Buttenwieser and McCloy were involved in secret government security, not liberalism, and Buttenwieser’s role as a director of “Citizens for McCarthy” was almost certainly intended to undermine McCarthy.
c. Bringing Tom McCoy into McCarthy’s campaign organization

For some time friends and donors had been urging McCarthy to re-organize his campaign. On May 15-16, he met with a five-man delegation, including Tom Finney, Tom McCoy (thatTom McCoy, who was also Finney’s brother-in-law and chief aide), and Washington lobbyist Larry Merthan. The delegation pushed McCarthy into making certain changes. On May 18, McCarthy removed Curtis Gans from supervision of the campaign and installed Tom Finney.

Finney was the law partner of Clark Clifford, the Secretary of Defense in 1968 who had written the CIA’s charter in 1947. Larry Merthan had been a CIA intelligence officer in West Germany in the 1950s and served on the staff of the Franz Lieber Foundation, a CIA front that was used to funnel money to anti-Communist groups.[14] Thus three of the five men in the delegation that met with McCarthy on May 15-16 to re-structure his campaign organization were former (or current) CIA operatives. .."

Tom McCoy's wife,
The Livingston In the CIA decoy, Priscilla Livingston Johnson b. 1922 Stockholm
Priscilla Livingston Johnson McCoy (1922-2022) - Find a Grave
Born on 23 Sep 1922. Died on 23 May 2022. Buried in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. Skip to main content. Home; Memorials; ... Priscilla Livingston Johnson McCoy Birth 23 Sep 1922. Stockholm,

« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 08:49:44 PM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Tom Scully

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Continued from last post,
    "John Newman writes.:

    ....The Case of the Two Priscillas

    "Screwball," said a CIA employee who had known Priscilla Johnson at Harvard. "Goofy," and "mixed up," said an April 1958 CIA message characterizing Johnson at the time she had applied for CIA employment in 1952.1 These unkind, condescending words were accompanied, however, by "excellent scholastic rating" and "thought [to be] liberal, international-minded, and antiCommunist."

    Priscilla Johnson came from a wealthy Long Island family and had a master's degree from Radcliffe College. Perhaps the general political inquisitiveness of this intelligent girl rendered her insufficiently malleable for work with the CIA, but it was her associations with left wing organizations like the United World Federalists (UFW) which, in the end, became the red flag that made her unattractive to the CIA.

    "Security disapproved," wrote Sheffield Edwards, CIA security officer in 1953, at the end of an investigative process that lasted more than six months.' By this time-April 13-the point was moot because Priscilla had withdrawn her application. In fact, in April 1953 she was working for Senator John Kennedy.

    While membership in organizations like the UFW were an obstacle to Priscilla Johnson's application for CIA employment, the same was not true for someone else she met in the UFW. He was Cord Meyer, a man whom Johnson says eventually went on to become "the brains behind the CIA program to fund left wing publications."' The umbrella organization for these publications, according to Johnson, was the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and the CIA was the "covert" source for its funds. Its publications were "respected Cold War liberal" journals, she recalls, like Encounter and Survey, which I did some writing for."

    CIA interest in Priscilla Johnson was reopened in 1956. On August 8, Chief, CI/Operational Approval and Support Division (CU OA) submitted a new request to a Mr. Rice in the deputy director for security's office.' This was a standard CIA form asking for approval of operational use of Johnson, and it was accompanied by a CIA standard form 1050, Personal Record Questionnaire. The questionnaire listed Priscilla's previous work in 1955 and 1956 as a translator for the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, and also her "freelance" writing for several publications, including the New York Times and the North American Newspaper Alliance.

    On August 23-and in spite of the 1953 security disapproval-a CIA Security Office and FBI records check was completed without adverse comment.' This information was passed in a Security Office memo from Robert Cunningham back to the requesting counterintelligence element, CI/OA. The Cunningham memo partially illuminates the original CI/OA request. For example, it said, "Pursuant to your request, no other action is being taken at this time." In other words, the chief of CI/OA had specifically requested that no further action, which presumably included further investigation, about Johnson be carried out. It also said this about Johnson: "who is of potential interest [approximately four to five words redacted]." The redacted words were probably a name or element in the CIA's Soviet Russia Division, most likely SR/10, the branch that handled "legal travelers" to the Soviet Union.

    We may surmise that SR/10 was behind the request for operational approval because of a CIA document five months later. On January 25, 1957, SR/10 sent a standard form to Chief CI/OA asking for cancellation of the approval for Johnson's operation use.' In Form 937's box "Reason for Cancellation" was this typed note: "SR/10 has no further operational interest in subject [Johnson]. Please cancel."

    To understand the significance of this form, we must return to the 1956 Cunningham memo of August 23. There is something terribly wrong about the contents of this CIA document. It said that Security Office files showed Priscilla's middle initial was "L for Livingston and is not R."8 That the Security Office had uncovered this kind of error is perhaps understandable, but the next sentence was extraordinary: "She was apparently born 23 September 1922 in Stockholm, Sweden, rather than 19 July 1928 at Glen Cove, New York." The Cunningham memo made no attempt to explain this transformation. Instead, the memo rather matter-of-factly proceeded to explain the new history of Priscilla this way:

    She was utilized by OSO in 1943 and 1944. Clearance was based on Civil Service Commission rating of eligibility which in turn was based on a favorable investigation and record checks. An FBI record check completed 21 August 1956 was returned NIS [Naval Investigative Service].

    The 1928 birth date carried in Priscilla Johnson's CIA records for the preceding four years could not be reconciled with this new data unless a fifteen-year-old girl, not yet out of high school, had been working for the Office of Special Operations during World War Two.

    The Cunningham memo is all the more incredible because it makes no attempt whatsoever to reconcile the incongruity between these two seemingly different Priscilla Johnsons, one an OSO veteran at the time the other was a child. Moreover, this time there was no mention of adverse information about Priscilla's left wing activities. There appears to be too many egregious errors by the Office of Security, and therefore this story does not sound believable. The bizarre story of the CIA's 1956 renewed scrutiny of Priscilla Johnson does not end with the Cunningham memo. If we back up one step for a closer look at the August 8 request for operational approval, we notice something weird about the CIA standard form 1050, Personal Record Questionnaire, which accompanied it. The questionnaire's contents purport to be about the Priscilla born in New York on July 19, 1928. Yet it is strange that Priscilla's memberships in professional and social organizations, her political affili ations, contacts, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, and relatives, were all listed as unknown. The form did manage to correctly name her parents, Stuart and Eunice Johnson. Priscilla's alleged signature, however, is now too faint to read, as are the date and the city and state where she supposedly signed it. Moreover, it was witnessed by someone who lived in Somerville, Massachusetts. Priscilla was in New York during August 1956. Perhaps the Office of Security has an excuse for why it failed in 1956 to furnish CI/OA with the same "derogatory" information on Priscilla that it furnished in 1953. That excuse might be that the second, Swedish-born, Priscilla Johnson — whether she was a real person or a cover story — had a good security record. Historians now have the unenviable task of trying to figure out whether the CIA was inventing a false Priscilla Johnson or whether it was incapable of telling the difference between two people born five years and three thousand miles apart .....

    Oswald and the CIA: The Documented Truth about the Unknown ... - Google Books Result John Newman - 2008 - Biography & Autobiography - 669 pages

    That man, who had known her since she was a small child, was F. Trubee Davidson. He worked for the CIA.9 Looking back on her experience now, Priscilla ...

Priscilla Livingston Johnson, born in Stockholm in 1922, is a real person, and she is not a Swede !

From   U.S., Consular Reports of Births, 1910-1949

Name: Priscilla Livingston Johnson

David Kirkpatrick Este Bruce
, Nelson D. Lankford - 1991 - Biography & Autobiography - 257 pages

Hallett Johnson ( 1 888-1 968) was the State Department's assistant chief, Division of ... His daughter, Priscilla Livingston Johnson, was a draftsman in the map division of R&A London. Here Bruce confused Johnson's and Norris's work at the London ...   "

More on the Chapowicki sister, Rita, who "worked for" Rosalynn Carter....

F"lawed Patriot: The Rise And Fall of CIA Legend Bill Harvey - Page 100 Stockton - 2006 - 357 pages - Google eBook - Preview

Dave and Star Murphy mention Rita Chappiwicki, who was Harvey's BOB secretary after Maggie Crane.1 Star once happened upon CG “shrieking” at Rita at a Berlin party. Maybe, indeed, there was more to Harvey's relationship with his ..   "

Larry Merthan set up Korean CIA agent Park's "The George Town Club" and his wife Rita was the manager before she worked in the Carter White House. That alone should have made it difficult for her to obtain a security clearance to work in the White House.

Tongsun Park's Club - The Washington Post
Oct 16, 1977 — Merthan, who at the time worked for Hill & Knowlton here and who is now with the Carpet and Rug Institute. Merthan, also a club founder ...
Tongsun Park and the Korean CIA CIA Had Reason to Know of Park's Ties to Korean CIAPapers, Interviews Show Scope of Park's Korean CIA Link
AUGUST 28, 1977

From the obit in the opening post, we learn the Chapowicki sisters had another sister, married to Reagan's Fema Director who wrote an official proposal to ihcarcerate millions of negroes in camps!
"...As originally reported by Alfonso Chardy in a newspaper article in the Miami Herald, July 5, 1987, at the US Army War College, Giuffrida wrote a thesis outlining a military plan for the forcible relocation of millions of black Americans to concentration camps in the event of a national emergency involving racial strife.[3][4] This is debatable as the thesis referenced below states it would take 14 years to relocate them forcibly. The thesis appears to refer to 500K self-described militants (see page 38) being relocated. On page 41, he appears to question whether this is even realistic. "
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 09:58:17 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Tom Scully

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Tom Finney, Clark Clifford's law partner and best friend of Tom McCoy, adds a dimension to my Clark Clifford research,

Priscilla Johnson McMillan provided this photo to the news media in 2013. The man in the middle, Jerre Hastings, AKA Jerome A Hasty, was a close friend of
Priscilla's CIA cousin, David Davenport. In 1965 he was married to Clark Clifford's aunt, Marguerite Bowman McAdams, and sued along with Davenport for involuntarily committing to a state of New Mexico mental hospital, the first cousin of Clartk Clifford, JoAnn McAdams. In the 1940 US census, Hastings is described as a 29 year old border in the McAdams's Illinois residence.

Published in Albuquerque in July, 1965.

1964 FBI report naming Hastings. David Davenport had moved from Santa Fe to Alaska, Hastings was driving in Arizona in a car with Alaska license plates.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 09:43:44 PM by Tom Scully »

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Offline Tom Scully

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"in 1966, he founded The Georgetown Club at 1530 Wisconsin Ave NW. He was known for throwing parties in his social club which is now turned into a private restaurant.[5] By the 1970s, his wealth of expensive homes, worldwide jet travel and a consulting firm (Parkington International Inc.) grew his influence among his connections and friends.[6]..... In July 2006 he was convicted in a U.S. federal court on conspiracy charges.[2] He became the first person convicted through the oil-for-food investigation. On February 22, 2007, he was sentenced to five years in prison. He also was fined $15,000 and required to forfeit $1,200,000.[3] According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons Website, he was released from prison on September 10, 2008. The next day, he left the United States for South Korea.[4]"
"Koreagate" was an American political scandal in 1976 involving South Korean political figures seeking influence from 10 Democratic members of Congress. The scandal involved the uncovering of evidence that the Korea Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) was allegedly funneling bribes and favors through Korean businessman Tongsun Park in an attempt to gain favor and influence in American politics.[1][2][3] Reversing President Richard Nixon's decision to withdraw troops from South Korea is thought to have been one of their primary objectives. ..."

Worcester County's Polish Community - Page 78 › books
Barbara Proko, ‎Janice Baniukiewicz Stickles · 2007
Found inside – Page 78
... Merthan served as Carter's personal secretary from 1977 to 1981. The Boston University graduate's first government job was with the Central Intelligence Agency in West Germany in 1953. She was president of the Georgetown Club from 1966 to 1976..."
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 10:17:49 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum