Jerry posted a pic from the Unger Gallery. This is a close up and if you're looking for a chap with a hard hat on, my money is on the guy under the red arrow:

There are at least say 5 guys wearing hardhats near that corner.
And say 3 guys that might have a hardhat (its hard to tell).
But we are looking for a guy wearing a hardhat 25 ft north of Main.
The guys that i have arrowed are say 19 ft north (alltho its hard to tell if he indeed has a hardhat)(i think he has).
[[[[[ Not talking bout the guy & arrow in the above pix, i mean my own arrows & guys in my original posting. ]]]]
It depends on what is meant by 25 ft north.
It might refer to the curb-line.
It might refer to the property line.
We know that there is no other guy north of him with a hardhat (Hughes footage).
So really the guy that i arrowed in my original posting is the only viable candidate (for Suggs).
But praps Suggs is one of the other hardhat guys, & he was moving around & standing at a number of locations during that minute or two.
Suggs said that he witnessed the assassination. He must have walked over to near where Bell is filming, & watched the motorcade going down Elm St, & heard Oswald's 2 shots, & saw & heard Hickeys 4 or 5 or 6 shots.
For some reason Bell didnt get footage of JFK & Co at Z313.
Bell jumped down from his original high perch, & praps he & Suggs & Worrell jostled during those critical seconds, pushing for the best vantage (ie looking throo an opening in the pergola).
Bell did get late footage of JFK & Co entering the triple underpass, including Hoffman & passenger slowly driving his Falcon along Stemmons.
Actually i doubt that Bell could see JFK at Z313, ie koz of the geometry of the concrete pillars of the pergola, at that southern end. I will have a look at other footage.
And then Bell swore at Suggs & Worrell whilst jumping down onto the shrubbery, & he ran to the middle of the park & got more footage including Hoffman's Falcon coming to a stop.
Bell said that he didnt hear or see any shots, so Suggs & Worrell must have been bigger than Bell.
Suggs didnt mention any of that to Kimbrough or to Mary Ferrell.