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Author Topic: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.  (Read 33541 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2018, 05:19:06 AM »
Which SS agents were assigned to the GK? Or other areas of DP? Or at the Jefferson Branch Library?

If you have proof that anyone but the shooter knew there was to be an attempt on Kennedy that day, by all means post it.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 06:02:13 AM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2018, 05:19:06 AM »

Offline Steve Thomas

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2018, 08:32:10 AM »
Which SS agents were assigned to the GK? Or other areas of DP? Or at the Jefferson Branch Library?


I once wrote an essay on this that you can read here if you're interested:

The incidents of Dallas Policemen and Deputy Sheriffs encountering someone whom they identified, or were identified to them as being members of the U.S. Secret Service is more extensive than is commonly known. There are at least twelve accounts (if you count the identification of Jack Puterbaugh as a Secret Service agent in the pilot car by Detectives Senkel and Turner), and eighteen if you count the six policemen who say there was a Secret Service Agent present during Oswald?s first interrogation beginning at 2:20PM. One of the most astounding elements in all these cases is that aside from the mention by James Leavelle of a Chief Charles thirty five years after the fact, there is no contemporaneous account of a single policeman recording the name of the ?agent? or ?agents? he encountered that day.

Steve Thomas

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2018, 08:53:24 AM »

1. The above two SS agents, RyBary Kampa and Lawton, were told to stand down at Love Field.

First, what makes you state that Henry  R y b k a  was told to stand down?

Second, how could Don Lawton possibly be told to stand down (sinister last minute changing of plans) when the roster duty had Lawton remaining at Love Field with Air Force One?
« Last Edit: August 11, 2019, 09:17:51 AM by Bill Brown »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2018, 08:53:24 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2018, 09:55:02 AM »
Good try, Dan.....

Sheraton Hotel, 400 N. Olive St., downtown ......

« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 10:05:22 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Dan DAlimonte

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 12:43:31 PM »
First, what makes you state that Henry Rybka was told to stand down?

Second, how could Don Lawton possibly be told to stand down (sinister last minute changing of plans) when the roster duty had Lawton remaining at Love Field with Air Force One?

Hey, Bill.  Thanks for responding.  I really don't think the SS had any hand in the Kennedy
assassination so whether they were told to stand down or not, is a moot point to me.
Viewing the vid of Lawton does suggest he seemed upset but whether or not
it was a spur of the moment thing to order him to stay back or he was reminded that he was
to stay back doesn't matter.  What does matter to me is what happened afterwards.  Did they
go to lunch somewhere other than Love Field and were they escorted there by one of the
Love Field cars.  From there did they subsequently assist the police in the capture of suspects
tied to the assassination?  If that could have happened then look back at what I presented.
It could fit.

Hope everything is going well with you. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 12:43:31 PM »

Offline Steve Thomas

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2018, 04:02:17 PM »
Good try, Dan.....

Sheraton Hotel, 400 N. Olive St., downtown ......



Thank you for posting the link to CE 705. It helped clear things up for me a little bit.
Unit 39 says that he he in 30's station wagon and a few seconds later says, "I'm in the Sergeant's car." He goes on to say, "The other half of 39 is still at the field in the Love Field car.?

Unit 30 was Sergeant R.C. Childers. He was working the Second Platoon Northwest Area Substation.
page 9 of that pdf file page 8 of Batchelor's Exhibit CE 5002.

Using CD 1420, here is the exchange:
CD 1420 p. 176

39 calls in and says: ?Clear me on Code 2 assignment and 30's station wagon, the Secret Service Agents downtown. The time is given as 1:09 PM

Unit 30 is Sergeant R.C. Childers. He was working the Second Platoon Northwest Area Substation.
page 9 of that pdf file page 8 of Batchelor's Exhibit CE 5002.

Just a few second's later, he tells Dispatch: ?I am in Sergeant's car and other half of 39 is still at the field in the Love Field car.?

At 1:50 PM 39 calls in and says, ?I am going back to the Southwest Automotive. 39 has the State Unit.? CD 1420 p. 191.
Is the State Unit, the Love Field car?


What I think happened in those DPD Archive tape transcripts that you've been using, is that somebody somehow stuck a page from the Channel 2 transcripts into the middle of the Channel 1 transcripts.

Again, using CD 1420:

At 10:00 AM Dispatch tells Unit# 39 to stay on Channel 2
39 is Patrolman J.F. Butcher and C.W. Comer
CD 1420 p. 149
Sergeant Childers says that he will also be on Channel 2

So. if you're reading broadcasts from Unit 39, those are Channel 2 broadcasts.
And I agree with Tom, 39 was probably taking the SS Agents to the Sheraton downtown. Wasn't the Secret Service communications center there?

Since 158 was apparently not assigned to the Presidential visit, he was probably out on another call in a different part of the City. When he said he "had a couple of prisoners", I think he meant he was escorting a car that had them in the back seat.

Steve Thomas

Offline Dan DAlimonte

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2018, 04:34:11 PM »

Hey, Steve and Tom.  Thanks for your input but I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.
First of all, there was a relay that I presented before the crash which I will supply in a minute or two.
In that relay Officer 67 (Everett) at around the 12:45 mark specifically asks the Dispatcher - Did they head south?  To which the Dispatcher states - Yes.  In later transcripts it appears as - Do you want me to head south?  To which the Dispatcher gives the same reply.  The first one implies that assassins or suspects involved may have been escaping in a vehicle and Redbird Airfield was indeed south of the greater Dallas area.   There's no way (at least to me) that could have meant anything else.  And if it was changed,
was that a simply accident or was it changed to hide something?

Also, in regards to the Sheridan?  Am I to believe that a cop would ask for a specific clearance
so the SS Agents can go pick up their dirty underwear?  And again, who were these persons or prisoner
who were being brought to the downtown jail on the very day the largest manhunt of all time was taking place?  Btw .. here is the link which states the Sheridan as it appears in Box 14.

Notice the question mark?

Here's 67 calls


« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 04:55:23 PM by Dan DAlimonte »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2018, 08:44:57 PM »

1. The above two SS agents, Rybka and Lawton, were told to stand down at Love Field.

2. Since they were told to stand down they decided to go to lunch
and if they did go to lunch, they would have been escorted there by one
of the two Love Field police cars.  These cars were known as either, 139 and 139 and a half
or, 39 and 39 and a half.

3. When they arrived at a diner of some sort, the police officer who drove them there
stayed either in or near the car should a bulletin regarding the President come over the radio. 
One did and he came into the diner and all three rushed backed to the car.

4. These two agents then proceeded to assist the police to capture suspects in a station wagon
most likely at Redbird Airfield.  The arrest is supported by the following relay which takes place
on Page 32 of the Radio Traffic Transcripts, Box 14.

158 - Notify 170 I am taking persons to the downtown jail and I will be reporting
back to him at Parkland as soon as I am through.  The time roughly 1:08 pm.
The officer 158 - Debenport.

5.  The above Page was, as I stated, Page 32.
The Page which should have appeared before it should have obviously been Page 31.
Yes it does appear but it appears well before the events that took place on Page 32.

On that Page 31 you will see the following relays which support my conjectures
if you read both pages side by side or the way they should have been listed.

Page 31 .... Relay

Secret Service -- outer perimeter --  they are being brought back. (Other unit break
making the rest unintelligible.)

Ummmm ... The two - Secret Service - Agents who were told to stand down
at Love Field - the outer perimeter - taking assassins back to the greater Dallas area?

Now go further down.  Again on Page 31 before Debenport's confirmed arrest on 32.

39 - (Notice who)  Clear me with a 202 assignment in -- station wagon with Secret Service man

Ummm ... One of the Love Field cars is going downtown with a Secret Secret man and a
station wagon is mentioned.  Downtown like maybe .. the downtown jail as stated by Debenport
with persons going to jail?

Go further down the page.

And (Ask) 139 to meet me at the entrance to Love Field   I have additional cars to route out there.

You will have to take them on because he is coming downtown with some Secret Service men.

Here again ... Notice the Love Field Car cannot assist what presumably is going to be the
motorcade group to head back to Love Field after they leave Parkland Hospital.  And, why is that?
Because he's going downtown with some Secret Service men.  And, if suspects in a station wagon
were arrested at Redbird then someone outside of the suspects would be driving the station wagon.

Btw ... the station wagon is the same one noticed by Craig and others
and to me,.anyway ....  all suspects involved in JFK's murder were captured that day.

Dan: Is it your theory that the assassins of JFK were captured trying to leave at Redbird Airport and then were summarily executed? No trial, no investigation? The SS and others (FBI? DPD?) captured these individuals, concluded they were the assassins of JFK (how did they do that?) and then just shot them?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: My theory documented for the last time. May the Files be with me.
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2018, 08:44:57 PM »