Dan, it may help to sketch or mark on a map the key areas of Love Field, Parkland, DP, Redbird, Sheraton etc and starting positions of the people involved to look at the scenarios based on the transcriptions. I will take a look.
Can you explain the 30's station waggon to me? Obviously this is different from the station Roger Craig witnessed leaving DP?
Lee. Any help providing a map to the key positions would be greatly appreciated.
As for 30's station wagon ... this was brought up by Tom a few pages back.
From what I gather a) there was an SS command center at the Sheraton and b)
the SS had their own station wagon which, so far, I still can't find out if it was
driven by a DPD officer or driven by an SS agent himself. Anyway, it was pointed out
to me that the station wagon which I cited in the Transcript page may NOT have been
Craig's station wagon, if you will, but the 30's station wagon simply going downtown
to the command center and needing a 202 clearance.
As this developed, Steve pointed out that SS Warner (the same Warner who compiled
the Radio Transcripts I was using) was assigned to Love Field to help secure the area
with the SS agents who stayed behind. Could he have driven the 30's station wagon
for his assignment at Love Field and then - after - still have encountered Craig's station wagon
at Redhttps://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,2006.0.html ... Anyway, the point counterpoint aspect to all this is only a few pages back from this one.
It would be easier if you read it than me rehashing to you.