Sure, Ray. Have it your way. There's two black women each hanging out an open window in the set above the front door.
Thank you for posting the nice colored frames from the film.....

And calling attention to the second floor window above the TSBD entrance....
I don't believe there is anybody visible in that window ( window closed Venetian blind up) in this photo which was taken just seconds before the shooting.
Steve Wilson was inside the third floor window sitting at his desk until he heard gunfire....He then got up and stood behind that window looking down onto Dealey plaza. He said that he remained standing there there behind that window, because he was transfixed by the activity going on beneath the window.
There are two photos that show that third floor window ....One was taken by Tom Dillard and the other was taken by James Powell.....
The Dillard photo was allegedly taken just seconds after the shooting... and it shows NOBODY in the sixth floor window, The three stooges behind the fifth floor windows, and mr Wilson STANDING behind the third floor window.
The Powell photo was
allegedly ? taken about thirty seconds AFTER the Dillard Photo.....and it shows "something" that looks like a rifle barrel sticking out of the sixth floor window...Only one of the three stooges behind a fifth floor window, ( looks like BRW ?)
How can we explain Just one of the three stooges being there if the Powell photo was taken after the shooting..... The Dillard photo shows both Jarman and Williams with riveted interest looking toward the triple underpass....While the Powell photo shows just one of the stooges behind the widows.( and he's not interested in the area of the triple underpass) They all three testified that they stood around behind the windows and talked about what had just happened ...and yet They are not there in Powell's photo but the rifle barrel is.... I believe that the chronology of the photos have been reversed.... I believe that Powell took his photo BEFORE the shooting. And it was intended to be photographic proof that the arch villain Leee Harrrrrrvey Ossssswald BOOOOOO! HISSSSS! was caught accidentally on Powells film as he aimed the rifle at JFK.