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Author Topic: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?  (Read 50842 times)

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2018, 04:15:24 AM »
No LNer has ever contented there have never been conspiracies. In his book, Bugliosi acknowledges same along with his personal belief there was a conspiracy in the RFK assassination.

I think most LNers would agree with the 1993 Newsweek article "The Real Cover-Up". It  found the cover-ups were largely to protect reputations, as with the Hosty note and RFK asking that the President's Addison's disease not be revealed. Curry charged the FBI failed to keep the DPD "advised regarding the background and whereabouts of Oswald" which in turn meant Hoover had to save face.

Sounds like RFK. I believe he also cleared out the President's papers in the White House as soon as he could.

Good point. RFK chose secrecy over finding the truth about his Brother?s murder.

One of the reasons I?m not sure if Robert would?ve reopened the JFK investigation if he had won the election. However, according to close friends and family, he did suspect that Oswald didn?t act alone.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2018, 04:15:24 AM »

Offline Steve Taylor

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #57 on: September 03, 2018, 11:16:07 AM »
Allan Dulles had a wrap sheet bigger than the WR.

IN 1953

"Dulles reported that the Soviets were engaging in sick science, seeking to control human consciousness by ?washing the brain clean of the thoughts and mental processes of the past? and creating automatons of the state who would speak and act against their own will. Dulles?s speech, which he made sure received wide media distribution, marked an ominous new phase in the Cold War, a militarization of science and psychology aimed not simply at changing popular opinion but at reengineering the human brain. What Dulles did not tell his audience in Hot Springs was that several days earlier, he had authorized a CIA mind control program code-named MKULTRA that would dwarf any similar efforts behind the Iron Curtain. In fact, at the same time that he was condemning Soviet ?brainwashing,? Dulles knew that U.S. military and intelligence agencies had been working for several years on their own brain warfare programs. This secret experimentation would balloon under the CIA?s MKULTRA program. Launched by Dulles with a $ 300,000 budget, this ?Manhattan Project of the Mind? would grow into a multimillion-dollar program, operating for a quarter of a century, and enlisting dozens of leading universities and hospitals as well as hundreds of prominent researchers in studies that often violated ethical standards and treated their human subjects as ?expendables.?

Whatever happened to MKUKTRA?  I grew up in the DC area, and there wasn't a day at school when I couldn't get the best LSD for $2.  Before that it was legal, free and made at Sandoz.  Those were the days!  Best thing the CIA ever did. After that they developed a better drug for military purposes, but bad for the public.  Washington soon became the PCP capital of the world. 

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #58 on: September 03, 2018, 10:18:20 PM »
Good point. RFK chose secrecy over finding the truth about his Brother?s murder.

One of the reasons I?m not sure if Robert would?ve reopened the JFK investigation if he had won the election. However, according to close friends and family, he did suspect that Oswald didn?t act alone.

Yes, I think lots of people, including RFK, had reasons not to want any further investigations. There were things they didn't want exposed, such as the attempts to assassinate Castro, and mistakes which had been made, such as opportunities to identify Oswald as a threat to JFK. I am not convinced there was any conspiracy to assassinate JFK but things were covered up after the event in my view.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #58 on: September 03, 2018, 10:18:20 PM »

Offline Mark Carter

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2018, 11:12:12 PM »
The key to understanding the JFK assassination comes from "reading" the witness testimony given to the Warren Commission by people that were there that day. For instance.
 About 15 minutes before the Presidential motorcade came by the was a man named Arnold Rowland who saw a man in a white low cut t shirt holding a rifle with a scope on it standing in the sixth floor window among the stacked up boxes. He was wearing blue pants. The day Oswald was arrested he had a white low cut t shirt and blue pants.
Right before the motorcade came by two women Carol Walters and miss Walton testified that they saw a man in a white low cut t shirt on the third floor holding a rifle with no scope on it.
So if you 'add' these three testimonies together It shows that Oswald planted the M Carcano on the sixth floor and came down to the third floor and shot JFK with a different rifle.

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2018, 01:38:58 AM »
The key to understanding the JFK assassination comes from "reading" the witness testimony given to the Warren Commission by people that were there that day. For instance.
 About 15 minutes before the Presidential motorcade came by the was a man named Arnold Rowland who saw a man in a white low cut t shirt holding a rifle with a scope on it standing in the sixth floor window among the stacked up boxes. He was wearing blue pants. The day Oswald was arrested he had a white low cut t shirt and blue pants.
Right before the motorcade came by two women Carol Walters and miss Walton testified that they saw a man in a white low cut t shirt on the third floor holding a rifle with no scope on it.
So if you 'add' these three testimonies together It shows that Oswald planted the M Carcano on the sixth floor and came down to the third floor and shot JFK with a different rifle.

I think the key is understanding that human eyewitness testimony is unreliable and needs to be treated as such. Rowlands story changed several times, he included details in his testimony which were false, his wife who was with him didn't back up his account and when she was asked about if  she could rely on everything her husband said she replied that he was prone to exaggerate..

Carolyn Walther was stood with a friend when she says she saw the person on the lower floor. She didn't mention it to her friend, nor to anyone on her return to work.

The human brain is not an accurate recorder and we can imagine we see all sorts of things and can 'remember' things which never happened.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2018, 01:38:58 AM »

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2018, 03:25:38 AM »
Nobody thinks that putting his ring in the cup is 100% evidence of killing somebody.

The point made is simply that it?s adnormal behaviour for somebody who?s just going to work and has no history of having done so previously. It?s all about context. It wouldn?t stand up in a courtroom, but the courtroom rarely stands up to reality.

The WC itself claimed that LHO had never gone to the Paine residence on a Thursday night, therefore, there is no way to disprove the notion that he routinely didn't wear his ring to work. He may have been afraid that it would be damaged.

You have no way of knowing that he never left his ring at one of his rooming houses so it is indicative of nothing. Furthermore, there is no mention of any wedding ring on any DPD inventory log.

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2018, 03:42:40 AM »
Do you trust Howard Brennan's testimony? What about Helen Markham?

I don't 'trust' any individual, uncorroborated eye witness account to be totally accurate. The account given by Brennan of a gunman on ye sixth floor was one of a number of such accounts where the main details agreed. The same in the case of Markham.

Arnold Rowland spoke with Officer Craig ~10 minutes post assassination and mentioned that he saw TWO people on the 6th floor. Did Arnold fabricate that statement months before he appeared in front of the WC?

He didn't say that in the sworn affidavit written on the 22nd. Fabricated implies intent and I didn't suggest that.

"He interviewed other witnesses, including a young man who said he had seen two men on the 6th floor of the TSBD and one of them had a rifle. Belin suggests this witness may have been Arnold Rowland. (WCHE, v. 6, p. 263)"

Sure, but the comments about the reliability of his account from my earlier post still apply

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #63 on: September 04, 2018, 04:38:28 AM »
Do you know how the WC could have easily verified if Rowland was telling the truth on seeing a tall, thin African-American male in the SE corner at 12.15 pm?

Go for it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why didn't the Conspirators plant Eyewitnesses in Dealey Plaza?
« Reply #63 on: September 04, 2018, 04:38:28 AM »