Fair enough. As opposed to:
Howard "failed to identify" Brennan
Charles "willing to change his story for money" Givens
Amos "he had a bald spot" Euins
Helen "I had never seen none of them" Markham
Jack Tatum who pops out of the woodwork a decade and a half later?
Howie B: I agree that he his testimony should not be used to positively identify Oswald to the exclusion of all others.
Chuckie G: Haven't really relied on what he's said. What I do use is what can be supported by others.
Amos Euins: Was on the ground looking up at someone who was 60+ feet above him. He couldn't see a bald spot that was on top of the gunman's head, so the other choice is that he was talking about a receding hairline. Oswald had one.
Markham: Total drama queen, but that doesn't mean everything she said was wrong, a lie, etc, and she wasn't the only witness. Callaway positively ID'd Oswald as the armed man he encountered leaving the scene, for instance. Frank Cimino came out after the gunman left the scene and saw that Tippit "moved slightly and groaned but never said anything that he could understand," so Markham's oft-derided claim that Tippit was trying to say something to her isn't that far off.
Jackie T: I've never put any credit into what he claimed.
As for Ruby Henderson describing Norman and Jarman, Norman and Jarman weren't even in the same window. Also which one of them was wearing a white shirt?
Normal and Jarman never could have been in the same window? OK, what about Norman and Williams then? Or Williams and Jarman? And, did anyone else notice two guys in the same window on 6, one in a white shirt?