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Author Topic: O. H. LEE  (Read 30321 times)

Offline Hank Sienzant

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #104 on: April 08, 2020, 09:06:46 PM »
Not that handwriting analysis is reliable or scientific, but they didn't even bother to do that.  I'm not sure how this qualifies as "analysis".

To me it doesn't look like a "register" at all, but a list of payments thrown together after the fact in one sitting.  And why in the world would it ever be classified "Top Secret"?

So more quibbles over the wording. He signed it in the presence of Mrs. Johnson. You doubt he did that and she was part of the frame-up?

Nobody cares what it looks like to you. It might be one page from a notebook - it looks like each boarder had a page. Oswald certainly had his own. Business records are acceptable as evidence. And this was the rooming house's business record. It wasn't a big business, it was one home with multiple rooms being rented by the week. That home was in the Johnson for over 50 years since the assassination. You don't get to tell the Johnsons how they should maintain their business records.

Bottom line: Oswald used the alias of O.H.Lee at the rooming house, as affirmed by the business record, as affirmed by Mrs. Johnson, and as affirmed by Ruth Paine and Marina Oswald, both of whom testified they called the rooming house and asked for Oswald, but were told there was no Oswald there.

And studies have shown the government stamps far too much top secret, It wasn't top secret for long as it was published in the Warren Commission volumes of evidence in 1964.

You too give the impression of a drowning man thrashing about trying to grab onto whatever is handy in an attempt to keep your head above water. It's a great impression, just not very effective in the face of the evidence.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 01:56:18 AM by Hank Sienzant »

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #104 on: April 08, 2020, 09:06:46 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #105 on: April 08, 2020, 09:37:25 PM »
So more quibbles over the wording. He signed it in the presence of Mrs. Johnson. You doubt he did that and she was part of the frame-up?

It's not a quibble.  "Mrs. Johnson said so" isn't an "examination", so why does the Warren report say that there was an examination?

Nobody cares what it looks like to you. It might be one page from a notebook - it looks like each boarder had a page.

Really?  Let's see the other ones.

Oswald certainly had his own. Business records are acceptable as evidence.

This isn't evidence that Oswald misrepresented his name as opposed to Johnson misunderstanding him.  It's just a piece of paper with "O.H. Lee" on it.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 09:38:43 PM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Hank Sienzant

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #106 on: April 09, 2020, 01:53:37 AM »
It's not a quibble.  "Mrs. Johnson said so" isn't an "examination", so why does the Warren report say that there was an examination?

It most certainly is quibbling over the language. Mrs. Johnson said he signed the register in her presence. You're ignoring that entirely and complaining about the language. The bottom line is the evidence indicates that's Oswald's own handwriting. You may not like that evidence. Too bad. You don't get to discard it or ignore it or handwave it away simply because it points to a conclusion you're trying to avoid reaching - and trying to paint as unreasonable.

Really?  Let's see the other ones.

I am surmising there is one page per lodger from the evidence on that "O.H.Lee" page - it has Oswald's payments listed by week and "Room 0" at the top. Since there are no other entries for other lodgers on that sheet, it stands to reason that the Johnsons tracked the lodgers by room and by lodger and most likely one room/lodger per page. Oswald was in room 0 and had a page to himself. I trust I didn't lose you along the way with that reasoning (but while I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you. You have to do that on your own (and while not doing an imitation of a drowning man, either).

This isn't evidence that Oswald misrepresented his name as opposed to Johnson misunderstanding him.  It's just a piece of paper with "O.H. Lee" on it.

Nope. You're ignoring her testimony once more. She said he signed it in her presence. I already quoted it for you. Here you go again:
== QUOTE ==
Mr. BALL. Do you remember the date Oswald rented the room?
Mrs. JOHNSON. October 14.
Mr. BALL. What time of day did he come by?
Mrs. JOHNSON. It was between 4 and 5 o'clock, I do know that because I was home that day when he came back by and I said, when he came by, I said, "You did come back by."
Mr. BALL. Was your sign out at that time?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; it was; he seen the sign.
Mr. BALL. How much did you charge him?
Mrs. JOHNSON. $8 a week, refrigerator and living room privileges.
Mr. BALL. The refrigerator was located where?
Mrs. JOHNSON. In my kitchen--he wanted to know if he could put milk and lunch meat in my refrigerator and I told him he could.
Mr. BALL. Did he tell you what his name was?
Mrs. JOHNSON. O.H. L-e-e [spelling].
Mr. BALL. Did he sign anything with that name?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir; I have it in my purse.
Mr. BALL. May I see it?
Mrs. JOHNSON. I will be glad to--I don't want you to keep it. I want you to--I brought it for your information. I knew you was going to ask that.
Mr. BALL. Now, is this in his handwriting?
Mrs. JOHNSON. This "O. H. Lee" is in his handwriting and this other is in the housekeeper's handwriting--Mrs. Roberts.
Mr. BALL. And these are the rates you gave him?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes.
Mr. BALL. I would like this marked as an exhibit to this deposition, mark this Exhibit A.
. . .
Mr. BALL. We will make a copy of this and give the original back to you and we will mark this "A." Did he sign that "O. H. Lee" in your presence?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes sir.
Mr. BALL. On that day?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir; the day he rented the room, they sign the register--they sign the register before I accept any money.
Mr. BALL. I'm talking about this "O. H. Lee" signature on this document; he signed that on that date?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir.

Here's the link to the rooming house register where Oswald wrote "O.H.Lee".

You can pretend the document stands alone, and Mrs. A.C.Johnson's testimony stands alone as well. And then look at each independently and find reasons to discard each. But that's just pretense. They don't stand alone. They are both evidence. Mutually reinforcing evidence.

Here's something you'll need.

Grab onto that.


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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #106 on: April 09, 2020, 01:53:37 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2020, 02:19:10 AM »
It most certainly is quibbling over the language. Mrs. Johnson said he signed the register in her presence.

Yes, she certainly said that.

Now where is the examination?

I am surmising there is one page per lodger from the evidence on that "O.H.Lee" page

Cool.  I'm surmising that this is not a "register" and Oswald didn't write O.H. Lee on it.  Or is it only you who gets to surmise?

I'm also surmising that the the Warren Commission falsely claimed that "further examination" was done.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #108 on: April 09, 2020, 11:51:43 AM »
  Mrs. Johnson said he signed the register in her presence. You're ignoring that entirely .........

What register? The one she didn't produce in evidence?
Mr. BALL. How many tenants did you have in October last year?
Mrs. JOHNSON. You know, I'm sorry I didn't bring my register. I couldn't tell you exactly; I imagine I had about 10 or 12.
You're ignoring that entirely. That slip of paper was not a register. That signature on the slip does not look like Oswald's writing to me but then [as you like to point out] I'm no expert.
You are new here and all this has been done redundantly. It looks like it was all prepared the day before...........
BTW what does _____ OUT mean?

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #108 on: April 09, 2020, 11:51:43 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #109 on: April 09, 2020, 03:49:15 PM »
What register? The one she didn't produce in evidence?You're ignoring that entirely. That slip of paper was not a register. That signature on the slip does not look like Oswald's writing to me but then [as you like to point out] I'm no expert.
You are new here and all this has been done redundantly. It looks like it was all prepared the day before...........
BTW what does _____ OUT mean?

If there was someway to prove it, I'd wager a large sum that the so called "signature" was NOT written by Lee Oswald.....   I'm not even sure that it's a "signature"....It appears to be a way to identify the person who was renting the room....and a record of the rent paid.....  I'd bet that the entry was made by Mrs Roberts.

Offline Hank Sienzant

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #110 on: April 09, 2020, 04:17:15 PM »
What register? The one she didn't produce in evidence? You're ignoring that entirely.

Nope. Business records are sufficient. There's no need for a business to provide all the records for all the customers to satisfy you and your fellow conspiracy theorists. Mrs. Johnson provided the business record for her customer that was pertinent to the Warren Commission's investigation. Your demand for things not seen does not remove the evidence that is seen.

That slip of paper was not a register.

Yes, Mrs. Johnson admitted that. That doesn't change the business record that was produced into non-evidence. Nor does it make her testimony invalid. You're just trying to find any reason at all to ignore or disregard the evidence that has been produced that shows Oswald used the alias of O.H.Lee that was suggested by his Mexico City trip.

That signature on the slip does not look like Oswald's writing to me but then [as you like to point out] I'm no expert.

Yes. My opinion (and yours) means squat. Mrs. Johnson affirmed in her testimony Oswald filled it out himself. This evidence (and the comitant conspiracy complaints about it) are however, totally meaningless to Oswald's guilt or innocence in the assassination. It neither establishes his guilt or provides proof of his innocence. It's part and parcel of the CT mileau where anything pointing to Oswald doing anything must be declared to be fraudulent and found inadmissible at all costs to the conspiracy theorist, no matter how weak is the CT argument advanced.

You are new here...
No, I'm not. Not sure what happened to my old posts but I did post here and debate the Oswald arrest in the theatre with John Iacolletti more than a few years ago. He kept insisting (among other things) that McDonald wasn't assaulted by Oswald, as I recall, despite the evidence of the scratch across McDonald's face in CE 744. Maybe that was a different forum? If I had to guess, it was about five or so years ago. More than that, I am not new to the JFK assassination nor to the online debate. You could find my name (and that of the alias I used to satisfy my first wife ("Joe Zircon") on numerous forums. I started with Prodigy back in the early 1990s.

...and all this has been done redundantly.
Obviously not. See the original post I responded to (by Jerry Organ), that you are still trying to somehow defend. Clearly, the fact that the evidence indicates Oswald noted the O.H.Lee alias on the form as testified to by Mrs. Johnson didn't reach Jerry Organ. Hence my post.

It looks like it was all prepared the day before...........

As opposed to two days before, three days before, ten days before, or on the dates indicated on the ledger? Please, tell me how you divined that information.

BTW what does _____ OUT mean?

Thanks for proving my point above, that CTs will argue over anything and ignore the obvious reasonable solution to continue to attempt to find some reason to exclude evidence pointing to Oswald. Earlier, John Iacoletti questioned the "Top Secret" designation. You here question the authenticity of the document, saying it looks like it was prepared the day before, and it doesn't look like Oswald's handwriting, despite having no known or admitted expertise, education, or background as a document examiner. And now you question what "Out" at the bottom of the document means?

You really can't figure it out? Let me give you a hint: His next rent payment was due on 11/25/63. Right? See the document and Mrs. Johnson's testimony.
== QUOTE ==
Mr. BALL. Was there one weekend when he was gone in which he didn't return on Monday but he came back the next day, on Tuesday?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Was there?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; there was one and it must have been on Labor--no----
Mr. BALL. Armistice Day?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Armistice Day; it was on Monday, was it not?
Mr. BALL. Yes.
Mrs. JOHNSON. That was Monday he wasn't home. He didn't come home until Tuesday; that's the first time and only time he failed to pay his rent when it was due. It was due on Monday.
Mr. BALL. When did he pay it?
Mrs. JOHNSON, I would say the next 5 minutes after he walked into the house from work [on that Tuesday].

Did Mrs. Johnson have a reasonable expectation of getting paid by Oswald (the man she knew as O.H.Lee before the assassination) on Monday 11/25/63 for the upcoming week? Why or why not? If you still need help figuring this out, just ask.

All the best,
« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 04:30:34 PM by Hank Sienzant »

Offline Hank Sienzant

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #111 on: April 09, 2020, 04:23:55 PM »
If there was someway to prove it, I'd wager a large sum that the so called "signature" was NOT written by Lee Oswald.....   I'm not even sure that it's a "signature"....It appears to be a way to identify the person who was renting the room....and a record of the rent paid.....  I'd bet that the entry was made by Mrs Roberts.

Hilarious. You weren't there. You're not a witness, nor a recognized expert in handwriting analysis. Your opinion about this document wouldn't be allowed in a courtroom. It's meaningless.

You know whose testimony would be allowed to be heard?
Mrs. Johnson's. Here's what she said about that name:
== QUOTE ==
Mr. BALL. Did he tell you what his name was?
Mrs. JOHNSON. O.H. L-e-e [spelling].
Mr. BALL. Did he sign anything with that name?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir; I have it in my purse.
Mr. BALL. May I see it?
Mrs. JOHNSON. I will be glad to--I don't want you to keep it. I want you to--I brought it for your information. I knew you was going to ask that.
Mr. BALL. Now, is this in his handwriting?
Mrs. JOHNSON. This "O. H. Lee" is in his handwriting and this other is in the housekeeper's handwriting--Mrs. Roberts.
Mr. BALL. And these are the rates you gave him?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes.
Mr. BALL. I would like this marked as an exhibit to this deposition, mark this Exhibit A.
Mr. BALL. We will make a copy of this and give the original back to you and we will mark this "A." Did he sign that "O. H. Lee" in your presence?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes sir.
Mr. BALL. On that day?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir; the day he rented the room, they sign the register--they sign the register before I accept any money.
Mr. BALL. I'm talking about this "O. H. Lee" signature on this document; he signed that on that date?
Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Did he give you the money?
Mr. BALL. $8?
Mr. BALL. Did you ever know his true name was Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mrs. JOHNSON. No; not until we saw his picture flash on the television as the officers were out.

Her testimony matters. It's evidence. Your opinion doesn't matter. And it's not evidence.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 04:33:15 PM by Hank Sienzant »

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Re: O. H. LEE
« Reply #111 on: April 09, 2020, 04:23:55 PM »