You forced me to have another look at the rifle photo and I tried to figure out where the light source was coming from that would cast shadows like that. This had to be a flash bulb held in an extended right hand like the old days so the flash wouldn't interfere with the shot. The problem is we are dealing with low quality digital imagery which has no provenance. But there are a few things re the image itself that seem odd to me.
The boxes look arranged to create cover for the ditched MC. Otherwise, Oswald would have had to slide the MC in from the left into the cavern. So it is more likely Oswald laid down the rifle upright on the floor and leaned it against the box in the middle and pulled the other 2 boxes over to somewhat cover the MC. If this was the case, then the DPD must have found Oswald's prints on those boxes, right? Did they find any? Also, you don't damage your scope and put it grossly out of alignment by easing it down and leaning it against some boxes.
All the shadows made sense except for one, providing it is a shadow. When the MC is upright on the floor, there is a big gap where the buttend touches the floor and the stock disappears behind the box. In the photo the whole stock looks dark and it does not show any gap. Therefore the gap must be in shadow so we can't see it. However, I tried to brighten the stock up to resolve the gap but I just got artifacts due to the spombleprofglidnoctobunsty quality of the image. At any rate, if that is not a shadow under the stock then is it an MC stock? If it is a shadow then why is it in the front between the stock and the camera? Or is it just an optical illusion?
I hope the following image displays (it doesn't for me).

The only one who can put this one to bed is you Walt. If you actually have the same model MC that was found at the TSBD then you can create a reenactment of this photo and either confirm or refute that this was an authentic photo of a MC. Reenactments are the only method for a layman to analyse photos. They are deadly accurate and they don't lie.
The only one who can put this one to bed is you Walt.Jack, I can't accomplish much by myself..... I need an honest person to debate.... Someone who will listen and respond honestly. I'm convinced that this photo is a composite .....

That rifle was never in the photo .... When the photo is scrutinized the rifle appears to be floating in midair..... and the reason it appears to be floating without any support is because if the rifle were resting on the floor there would be only two points of contact would be at the butt and the muzzle , and the muzzle would be about 6 inches lower than the bottom of the butt.
( IOW--- the rifle
would not be level ie; parallel to the floor, as it appears in the photo)
I believe the rifle was photographically added to the photo.....
Question.... Wouldn't the barrel of the rifle have cast a shadow onto the floor ??