I'm not sure if it is parallel to the floor, might just be the angle.
The tip of the muzzle should be resting on the floor, which doesn't seem to be the case but will have to give it a closer look.
In the meantime, can you tell me where the clip was found? I can't find anything as to it's location.

Is there any reason to take the clip out while fleeing the scene?

I luv ya, Danny.... Thank you for posting the photo of the clip protruding from the carcano.....
In the Alyea film the brass clip is just emerging from the rifle.... Day knew nothing about the carcano ( he was truly an ignoramus) so he had no idea that there was a clip required to use the rifle as a repeater. ( Three shots could not have been fired if there was no clip) But who ever planted that rifle knew that a clip was required (
I doubt that Lee Oswald ws cognizant of the fact that a clip was required) So whoever planted that rifle simply stuck the clip into the ejection port before laying the rifle on the floor. Then when Lt Day picked up the rifle and started examining it he turned the rifle so the E port was down and the clip started sliding out of the ejection port. Alyea's camera caught just a smidgen of the brass clip in the E port. Then as Day continued to handle the rifle ( and he was unaware of the clip) the clip continued to slid out bit by bit, until it had slid out as it is seen in the photo that you posted.