This Gif shows the first few frames from the moment Day appears on the Alyea film slowed down.
His hands are down where the rifle is.
The rifle is out of view.
The Alyea film does not tell us the rifle was lying down when Day picked it up.
Day obviously laid it down, but it was already laying down before this sequence, probably when Day first moved the boxes to expose the rifle, whenever that was.
I believe, after moving some boxes about, Day reached over the rifle and grabbed the strap.
The second he pulled the strap the rifle flipped to the horizontal position.
Nope. Day had both hands on the rifle and picked it up from its laying position on the floor. Note how the top of the stock rotated toward him as he picked it up. The rifle would have rotated the other way if Day picked it up by the strap only and flipped it on its side. His right hand rotated the rifle toward him before he grabbed the strap and picked it up.
To a certain extent I imagine the scene has been staged but only in terms of telling Alyea to come and film the moment the rifle is picked up - 3..2..1..Action!
That's right, but the DPD planted the rifle there ahead of time and Fritz managed to remove the Mauser from the scene after Craig read "7.65" off the barrel. Only then was Alyea permitted to document the staged discovery of the MC.
The photos are real.
The rifle is found in an upright position.
Somehow the clip is still inside.
Alyea films the moment the rifle is picked up.
Alyea appeared to film the cameraman as he took the photos but we have no idea whether those photos are the ones he took. I don't think they were, otherwise, where is the strap? And 2 lousy token pics of the MC in situ? That's a joke. Was Fritz relying on Alyea to document the crime scene? Fritz was in total control of documenting the staged evidence and he choreographed everything. We have no idea how the Alyea film was spliced together for the final presentation. Alyea sure as hell ain't talking. He had to be complicit in the whole thing. No way would Fritz allow a freelancer to document their staged investigation. No way! We can't trust the sequence of events as depicted in the Alyea film by any stretch of the imagination.
Don't forget that the DPD (Roscoe White in particular) were darkroom specialists assigned to sheep-dip Oswald with the backyard photos, to connect him to the rifle. The DPD obviously had access to the rifle, which they later planted in the TSBD. The DPD also created CE-399 by firing the rifle into a swimming pool then retrieving it so it could magically show up on the wrong stretcher with no DNA on it in pristine condition. The DPD would later set up Oswald for Ruby to take out to remove any connection to him. Oswald knew full well that the DPD were up to their eyeballs in the Big Event.