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Author Topic: Roger Craig  (Read 155386 times)

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2018, 06:32:57 PM »
Roger, Jr, is obviously RC's son and Deanna has to be his daughter, leaving Terry as the "stepboy." BTW, Craig's, er, memoir and the divorce records both render his wife's name as "Molly." I figure he would know, and the state would require, the proper spelling of her legal name.

Her name is spelled "Mollie" in the 1940 census, and by her granddaughter in the Craig family tree on Ancestry.  Not worth quibbling about though, it doesn't really matter.

But the question then becomes, what is the reason for believing that this Michelle Andrea Hahn Palmer person is the same person as "Deanna Craig"?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2018, 06:32:57 PM »

Offline Barry Pollard

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2018, 01:42:08 AM »
How could he work if he was crippled from that spill over a cliff?
Mary's point wasn't that Craig couldn't work, but that he didn't want to. She knew him at the time, and was therefore a far better judge of what he was capable of (and of his character, generally)  than you or I could ever hope to be. Ditto for Weisberg.

Doesn't look too agile in that interview that Lane used and far from mental
You mean here? Doesn't look like his jaw is wired shut to me. As for agility, how can you tell in a talking-head interview? And how do you define "looks mental?" 

What did Weisberg and MF think of the daughter?
Did Weisberg or Ferrell ever even meet her? She didn't explode onto the Education Forum until after both were dead.

She sounds more than a little jealous to me and rather angry about it.
I'll bet it's pretty normal for the children whose parents commit suicide tend to carry a lot of the emotional turmoil with them through their lives. It doesn't make them dishonest.

Something about the way he's sitting in the chair looks off to me, look a little harder and there's a few times you do see more than just his head, also his right hand in his pocket the entire time.  I said upper jaw wired, wired up, not wired shut :)
On mentality, he is asked about "the man RC" "how does he feel today?" and his answer to this and indeed throughout the entire interview is thoughtful, relaxed and lucid.
He's sat in that same position througout, doesn't even switch cheeks.  Body looks busted and if it was, then who could blame him for not wanting to pick fruit, hump lumber or w/e?
Anger/jealousy can make you many things, dishonest is indeed one of them, in fact it's top of the list.

Offline Barry Pollard

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2018, 01:57:19 AM »
...Craig did not "involve the Paines".

Well, the idea is that he was full of it and this is one of the things he invented and yes, sorry but to me it looks like if he made it up then he was, for some reason, involving the Paines by mentioning their name.
"Don't involve them they have nothing to do with it", coming from the prime suspect in a murder case he denies involvement in.  "I think I'll go pay them a visit right now" says any cop worth a damn.
Ignore the Paines then and tell me why this cop, one of the first "not taking part" to react and reach the RRY, who then orders the public pushed back as to not impede their search is making this crap up.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2018, 01:57:19 AM »

Offline Mark Carter

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #51 on: September 08, 2018, 04:34:48 AM »
He wasn't making anything up the day the assassination happened. Craig was murdered in 1975. The reason is that what he saw that day. It was Buddy Walters who involved the Pained because he saw the tan station wagon parked on Ruth Paine's driveway. Walters also died a mysterious death.

Offline Nicholas Turner

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2018, 08:27:55 AM »
He wasn't making anything up the day the assassination happened. Craig was murdered in 1975. The reason is that what he saw that day. It was Buddy Walters who involved the Pained because he saw the tan station wagon parked on Ruth Paine's driveway. Walters also died a mysterious death.

Opinion rather than fact of course.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #52 on: September 08, 2018, 08:27:55 AM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2018, 01:43:43 PM »
Their qualifications to diagnose mental illness is another matter entirely.

What mental illness did Ferrell or Weisberg diagnose in Craig?

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #54 on: September 08, 2018, 02:22:08 PM »
Her name is spelled "Mollie" in the 1940 census, and by her granddaughter in the Craig family tree on Ancestry.  Not worth quibbling about though, it doesn't really matter.

But the question then becomes, what is the reason for believing that this Michelle Andrea Hahn Palmer person is the same person as "Deanna Craig"?
My question is, if you couldn't find Deanna, are you looking in the right spot in the first place?

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2018, 02:42:15 PM »
Very few people know this but the Dallas PD solved the assassination the same day that it happened. About 15 minutes after the assassination happened two Dallas Cops Roger Craig and Buddy Walter were examining a bullet mark on the sidewalk down by the triple underpass. 15 minutes after the assassination happened Roger Craig saw Oswald walk down the Grassy Knoll and get into a tan station wagon and drive away. Later on that day at about 5 pm after Oswald was arrested Roger Craig identified Oswald as the same person he saw get into the tan station wagon earlier in the day. Buddy Walters said that earlier in the day he saw that same tan station wagon parked on Ruth Paine's driveway. Oswald replied" Don't try and tie her into this" she had nothing to do with it. So the Oswald that Craig saw wasn't the same Oswald that was arrested at the Texas Theatre. This proves the two Oswald theory. You can read Craig's testimony here.

I don't think that Craig ever said the station wagon was tan:

[Sheriff's Dep. affidavit, Nov 22, 1963] I saw what I think was a light colored Rambler Station [sic] wagon with [a] luggage rack on top
[CE1967 Nov 22, 1963] ...a white rambler station wagon...
[CE1993 nov 25, 1963] ...a white white Nash Rambler station wagon with a luggage rack on top...

[WC testimony, 1964]
Mr. BELIN - What kind and what color station wagon was it?
Mr. CRAIG - It was light colored--almost--uh--it looked white to me.
Mr. BELIN - What model or make was it?
Mr. CRAIG - I thought it was a Nash.
Mr. BELIN - Why would you think it was a Nash?
Mr. CRAIG - Because it had a built-in luggage rack on 'the top. And--uh--at the time, this was the only type car I could fit with that type luggage rack.
Mr. BELIN - A Nash Rambler-is that what you're referring to?
Mr. CRAIG - Yes; with a rack on the the back portion of the car, you know.

[Shaw trial] ...a light green Rambler station wagon with a chrome luggage rack on the top...It was a light green Rambler station wagon with the luggage rack on the back portion

[When They Kill a President, 1971] A light green Rambler station wagon

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2018, 02:42:15 PM »