Again why did it take until the NEXT DAY to identify by the FBI? Just answer the question that I've posed numerous times to you. If you're construing me not being calm and ranting that's on you. From Spartacus "7.65 Mauser. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone found the rifle following the movement of book boxes by Deputy Sheriff Luke Mooney and called Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman to witness his discovery. Another Deputy Sheriff, Roger Craig, was thereabouts and he saw the gun and heard the conversations of the others. The officers had no doubts about their identification and affidavits were drawn up by Boone and Weitzman, who described the weapon in detail, noting the colour of the sling and the scope. Police Captain Will Fritz was also present at the scene and he, also, is claimed to have agreed that the rifle was a 7.65 Mauser. District Attorney Henry M. Wade, in a television interview, referred to the sixth-floor discovery and quoted the weapon as a Mauser, a statement picked up by the press and reported widely. Following the finding of the gun, however, it was collected by Lieutenant. C. Day and taken to Police Headquarters, where it was logged as a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano, an Italian carbine, bearing the serial number C2766. Mannlicher-Carcano Italian carbine No. C2766, it was claimed, belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald." So Lt. Day decided he knew more than the others.
Calm down and you might learn something, in addition to the IDENTIFYING photographs while in the halls of Justice, Lt Day is filmed saying the rifle was "6.5, apparently made in Italy, in 1940" What more do you want and where does your ranting lead?
And also see the video below, which is the complete 2013 CNN documentary that Michael Giampaolo talked about earlier (entitled "The Assassination Of President Kennedy"). And included in that program (at 20:10) is, indeed, the voice of Lieutenant J.C. Day uttering these words --- "6.5, apparently made in Italy, in 1940":
Thanks to DVP! 