In the clip above there's a moment when Fritz stands up and the boxes in front of him are about waist level.
Hardly a "chasm", as you insist on calling it.
If Oswald was the fleeing assassin he could've easily leant over and slid the rifle underneath on his way past it.
If it was a set-up, it would not be set up in such a way that Oswald couldn't have easily hidden it there.
Mr. CBAKJ. About S-foot.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. Cmo. I went over to the-uh-cluster of boxes where he was standing
and looked down between the boxes and saw the rifle lying on the floor.
Mr. BF.LIN. When you say “between the cluster of boxes,” could you describe
which way the boxes were?
Mr. &AK+. There was a row going east to west on the north side of the
weapon, and a box going east to west on the south side of the weapon, and-uhif I remember, uh-as you’d look down, you had to look kinda back under
the north stack of boxes to see the rifle. It was pushed kinda under-uh-or
up tight against ‘em-you know, where it would be hard to see. bud, of course,
both ends of the rows were closed off where you couldn’t see through ‘em. You
had to get up and look in ‘em.
Mr. BELIN. You are gesturing with your hand there-woultl you say that
the boxes, then, as you gestured, were in the shape of what I would call a
rectangular “O”, so to speak?
Mr. CRAIG. Yes, yes, uh-huh.
Mr. BEWN. And about how high were the walls of this enclosure, so to speak?
Mr. CRAIG. Well, it-it was different heights. Sow. the part where I looked
in particularly was about-uh-oh, was about s-foot.Mr. BELIN. All right.
And you gestured there in such a way that you had to lean over and look
straight down? Would that be a fair statemeut of your gestures?
Mr. CRAIG. Yes; yes. You had to lean over the boses and look down.
Mr. BELIN. All right.
Then what happened? After you found this, did people come over-or what?