There is a record of Craig saying that he was 6 feet tall and he could not have put the rifle at the bottom of that chasm.
Yes, the boxes were stacked to different heights in that area.....But the place where the rifle was found was at the bottom of boxes that were stacked on four sides of the rifle with another box covering the opening at the top ( read Boones statement)
Visualize a 5'9" tall, skinny man reaching out about four feet while holding an 8 pound rifle and then trying to put that rifle at the bottom of a chasm of boxes that was about four feet deep.
I'm bored with this Walt.
You can see in the clip below that when Fritz stands up the boxes in front of him are about waist high.
You can see it.
It's evidence.
You can pretend you don't see it because it suits you not to. You're locked in this idea the in-situ photos are fake and will not let go but you're starting to sound a bit silly.
A midget could reach over the boxes in front of Fritz and put a rifle on the floor.

Tom Alyea reports, more than once, that he was stood next to Fritz when he squeezed into the sniper's nest and picked up the shells lying on the floor. Fritz, a homicide detective, knew not to pick the shells up but he did and then pocketed them. He also pocketed the live round that he ejected out of the rifle, something confirmed by multiple witnesses including Fritz.
I'm going to wander down this path for a while to see what I find, as the fake photo thing is clearly a dead-end.
I find Alyea very credible and am a bit saddened about what he has to say concerning Roger Craig:
"One of them was Roger Craig, who is responsible for giving much misinformation to the press..."
Near the beginning of my research I came across the Lane interview of Craig and instantly had a very strong, completely irrational urge to believe him. I imagined him to be a simple, honest man up against extraordinary forces but standing up against these forces regardless of the danger it put him in (to be honest, I still look at him this way to a large degree). But as time went by little slivers of doubt began to creep in about Craig which I ignored but this little detour into whether the rifle photos were fake has been a tipping point. I feel certain there was no Mauser found on the 6th floor, it was some kind of misunderstanding that escalated. As such, Craig never saw "Mauser" stamped on the barrel.
Why did he lie about that?
Here's the new thing I'd like to believe - the investigation and collection of evidence on the 6th floor was clearly corrupt, not just negligent. Evidence was tampered with and manipulated, some of the evidence that made it into the WC hearings was actually staged. At the heart of this was Fritz, other members of the DPD just went along with it to cover for Fritz but weren't necessarily 'conspirators' in any meaningful way.
Craig, however, would not go along with it. At the expense of his career, family and personal safety he stood against those participating in this gross miscarriage of justice. He wanted to convince the world of the DPD's guilt and, in doing so, created the lie about the Mauser.
That's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it
(for now)