Hi Walt,
I know what you mean about the rifle appearing to float.
It does look weird. It could be because of the flash but I don't see a shadow where the tip of the rifle should be touching the floor.
As for the boxes around the "rifle nest" - CE 515 and 516 are two shots of the nest from a different distance and slightly different angle:
I made this Gif to highlight a couple of differences I'm seeing between the two pics. Because the shots are from different angles it takes a bit of getting used to. In CE 516 there is a big arrow pointing at a box, the box the arrow is pointing at appears to be in a different position in CE 515. It has clearly been moved between the taking of the two photos.
In CE 515 there are two bright objects at the bottom of the picture, slightly to the right. I can't figure out what they are as they don't seem to appear in CE 516

Hi Dan, I believe CE 515 & 516 are basically the same scene but 516 has been taken from about twenty feet farther east ( the camera is pointing west.) That's the west window in the photo that was directly behind ( to west of the the rifle )
Eugene Boone had searched westward in the aisle at the top of the stairs until he came to west wall beneath the stairway sign that is visible in the photos. He then squeezed( southward)between the wall and the rows of boxes and that's when he moved a box that served as a lid over the stack of boxes that formed a "well" or chasm in which the rifle was hidden. He shined his flashlight down into the dark "well" and spotted the butt of the rifle beneath the wooden pallet that had boxes of books stacked on it. That wooden pallet can be seen in both CE 515 and 516. The arrows that are scrawled on the photos are intended to depict the place the rifle was found.
( notice the bright sunshine shining in the window ....If the rifle had been in the location depicted by the arrows, Deputy Boone would not have needed a bright flashlight to see the rifle. )
The vertical wooden support pillar was (is ) 12 feet from the north wall ....so using that distance as a reference, the arrows in CE 515 & 516 point to a location that is approximately 13.5 feet from the north wall...But....There are two maps that were drawn by two different DPD detectives in which they give the distance from the north wall to the rifle as 15 feet 4 inches.
The cover up conspirators need to move the location of the rifle closer to the aisle to make the tale that Lee Oswald had dashed by that site and hastily jammed the rifle between boxes of books before dashing down the stairs to the second floor lunchroom. Bu as Tom Alyea observed at about 1:30 that afternoon....It was obvious that the hiding place had been prepared before the shooting.