I've already told you I'm very familiar with the carcano....And those white spots are NOT the butt plate screws of a carcano...And since you posted the photo of the butt of a carcano, you should also know that those bright spots are not the butt plate screws of a carcano.
You're not familiar with the Mannlicher at all.
In a previous post you stated that the butt plate was 4 inches long and that the screws were no more than 2 1/4 inches apart.
This image I posted demonstrates that you are clearly wrong:

If you're so familiar with the Mannlicher how can you explain your gross inaccuracy on this point?
The two bright spots are really there. They appear in multiple images. You think you can just deny that they exist.
The two bright spots highlight what can be seen in the clip of the Alyea footage where Fritz has stepped into the boxed area where the rifle was found - that the rifle was in an upright position when it was discovered.
Just accept it and move on Walt