are you saying there is no rifle there Walt?
I can't see it..... Do you believe that the small white spot BENEATH the overhanging box is the rifle? And how could a fleeing assassin have placed that rifle BENEATH the overhanging box??
this is the area where the rifle is located,
I'll accept that the rifle was found 15' 4" from the North wall ....Is this white spot 15 ' 4" from the N wall?
this is the arrangement of boxes used to hide the rifle.
So the rifle was HIDDEN?...... The official tale says that Lee ran by that site and hastily dumped the rifle....( he didn't hide it) How ever Tom Alyea said that it was obvious that the hiding place had been prepared BEFORE the shooting and this was long before anybody knew that the LHO's Speculated Elapsed time from the SE corner window to the 2nd floor lunchroom was less than 90 seconds. Alyea simply assumed that the fleeing assassin would not have had time to hide the rifle as it had been hidden. Alyea didn't know that LHO had talked to Officer Baker in the 2nd floor lunchroom just 90 seconds after the FIRST ( THAT'S CORRECT) first shot was fired. It LHO had been the assassin he would have had to have been faster than a speeding bullet to have hidden the rifle beneath the boxes where Boone and Weitzman found by using their bright flashlights.
The point I was making that I was surprised the "Mauser" story was still doing the rounds as Alyea had filmed the discovery of the rifle.
The section of the film regarding the rifle starts with Fritz entering the enclosure with the rifle at his feet, as stated by Alyea.
It's not about whether or not Oswald hid the rifle there, it's about the discovery of the rifle being filmed.
Granted, the footage is very poor quality and the rifle hardly stands out but it is possible to make it out.
In the picture below there is a white cloth or piece of paper next to the rifle pointed out by a red arrow:
how to use print screenIn the still below the same white cloth/paper is pointed out by a red arrow, the rifle by the green arrow:

I cobbled together as many clips about the rile from different sources. I think it shows the discovery of the MC through to it being dusted for prints.
I'm not arguing about how the rifle ended up in the "enclosure", just trying to show that Alyea seemed to capture it's discovery: