John Mytton has "easily identified" the rifle in the footage as an MC

“Mytton” draws arrows on photos and declares victory.
Of course it doesn't preclude a Mauser being found in the building. Nobody said it did. Finding the MC doesn't preclude a Howitzer being found in the building or a unicorn.
Then how can anybody be so certain that the Mauser described by Boone, Weitzman, and Craig was not found?
But what it does preclude is a Mauser being found in the same location as the MC filmed by Alyea.
Boone never mentioned seeing two rifles and neither did Weitzman. As far as I'm aware, nobody reported two rifles being found.
Sure, but why would any of them be required to be present for both?
This appears to be some fantasy that you are peddling. What evidence do you have that more than one rifle was found? If you don't have any, why do you keep bringing it up?
There’s evidence that a Mauser was found whether you believe it or not.
You must surely agree that they didn't find a Mauser in the same location as the MC filmed by Alyea.
I don’t recall Boone or Weitzman making any reference to a location filmed by Alyea. And nobody will ever see the entire Alyea footage anyway.