Paraffin tests are run for the same reason polygraph tests are run: to try to intimidate a suspect into making a confession. The actual results don’t even matter, because cops can and do lie to suspects about what evidence they have.
So you're not disputing the paraffin test were negative? So the cops gave him the paraffin test knowing in the court of law it would not be allowed? It was years later after 1963 before paraffin tests were not used. If that test had come back positive would not have had the DPD used it as evidence? a
It was years later after 1963 before paraffin tests were not used_I don't even know if actual tests were even presented or run on actual suspects under interrogationJust the threat of same in interrogation might be enough to panic the poor bugger if he was scared enough
I'm not disputing threats. Just like how they manipulated in getting his palm prints to show up on the rifle. Ignoring the cheeks but discussing with the media about the palm prints. They can't have it both ways.
how they manipulated in getting his palm prints to show up on the rifle. They didn't find Lee's palm print on that small 5/8" diameter surface.... But very few have thought about how small a surface that 5/8 inch barrel exposes.... About 1/4 of the circumference...Or 3/4 of an inch. Lay a ruler on your palm and see for yourself how much of your palm is covered by 3/4 inch.
Or two FBI agents coming to the Funeral Home and lifting Oswald's prints.