If everybody is finished squawking out their backside about someone they had never met and only knew about from the diss posts they read...they might consider that--- if Roger Craig was so far off and so mental [as these mental clowns have been saying]...then why did it take Sheriff Bill Decker four years after the assassination to fire him?
I will provide the answer to this right now---
Penn Jones ..who certainly did not agree with the official story and therefor must have been [automatically by definition] mental also ---
started rocking the boat big time in this area.
Penn was very persuasive...and encouraged RC to join forces with those who had questions. The powers that were had Decker fire Craig and discredit him regardless of the officer's otherwise unblemished public service.
Who here can attest to anything Roger Craig did that was out of line in his conduct as a deputy sheriff?
So there was a daughter that said Roger Craig was crazy. How do we know that she wasn't?
Craig said it was a Mauser...so did two other deputy sheriffs and a homicide captain. One of them [Weitzman] described a '7.65 caliber' why was that so specifically stated?
Jerry, readers deserve to be informed of the following.....
Roger Craig was given a job in New Orleans by multi-millionaire Willard Robertson. Roger quit that job, knowing his employment options back in Dallas, by his own claims, were slim to none.
He was also claiming he felt physically unsafe in Dallas. He claimed he quit his job as personnel manager at Robertson's regional Volkswagen distributorship because he believed he was not giving Mr. Robertson
his money's worth! I describe below that Roger next moved his family in with his in-laws, after making the effort and expense to uproot his family out of NOLA and move them back to Dallas?
Consider that this behavior is in synch with Mary Ferrell saying he was offered a job by her husband, but did not want to work.
Consider how different your opinions of Roger Craig and Penn Jones are from mine. I attempt to support my opinions with facts, even though I certainly wish Roger Craig and Penn Jones were consistent sources.
The guy was out of work and had a family to support. What was his primary concern?..... He'd rather starve, or in his case, relocate to mooch off of his in-laws.
Craig even seemed to miss the point of what a personnel manager does, investigate the backgrounds of prospective hires to protect the business and identify
who was likely a threat vs who likely was a contributor to growth and reputation of a customer service driven company.
...Unfortunately, after about a month I realized that I was not doing anything but going in to the office and coming home?nothing in between. Although I appreciated Jim Garrison recommending me for the job, I knew by this time that he had done this because he was concerned about my safety and wanted me out of Dallas. Because this company did not really need a Personnel Manager and I couldn?t take the money for a job I was not doing, I submitted my resignation to Mr. Robertson and my family and I returned to Dallas.
We arrived back in Dallas on a cold and snowy seventh of January, 1968, and moved in with Molly?s parents as we had very little money and nowhere to stay. The next few days I spent looking for work. I tried every ad and every lead I could find. ...
Penn Jones was the Donald Trump of his days, a shameless promoter attempting to make a living from an inadequate business platform, a newspaper in a geographical area too small to generate adequate revenue from its advertising base. Fact checking was never Penn Jones's SOP !
Ask Eddy Benavides or "Jack Zangretti "..... not saying Penn Jones was always unreliable. I'm saying he was very flawed because his primary motive may have been pursuing money and attention.
Compare Penn Jones to Harold Weissberg, as far as overall accuracy and pursuit of money and attention, vs investigating what actually happened and reporting about it.
Contrary to claims Penn Jones made about "Jack" Zangretti, the actual person Jones UNDOUBTEDLY described and published about in his newspaper, newsletters, and book(s), did not die in 1963.....Zanghetti was a long time dyin' .... more than eleven years, by the actual, facts supported look of it!