I don't think he's convinced that many.
His story creates cognitive dissonance and doubt when it comes to the Mauser.
Then why can't we get this excrement flushed from the legend
? It does nothing but create havoc....
The sworn affidavits say that they BELIEVED the rifle was a 7.65 mauser.....Neither Boone nor Weitzman got a good look at the rifle....They caught a quick glimpse of it as Day picked it up FROM THE FLOOR.
Jesus, are you ever going to flush that excrement? You don't know how any of it went down. You are back to Boone and Weitzman just got a quick glance at the "7.65" Mauser. Where is the film footage of Boone actually finding the rifle? Why didn't Alyea film that part? Why did he wait until Day picked it up FROM THE FLOOR? You are just too gullible and you believe your lyin' eyes. Didn't you hear Fritz call out ACTION with a megaphone? For the last time, a film can't show you what isn't on it.
Did you know that Boone was watching the limo go past him on Elm when he heard the shots? Several bystanders had cameras, and Boone said he confiscated them in case anyone had captured anything relevant on their film. He took the cameras back to the Sheriff's Office and left the film to be developed. Then Boone and other deputies went to the book depository to begin a search. Guess who found the rifle?
You obviously can't trust Boone's account. He probably didn't know what kind of rifle was planted. You can't trust Day or Fritz or ANY of them because they were goddamned liars. Instead you have a hate on for Craig because you think he created havoc re the Mauser. Give me a break. What would we know about the Mauser if he hadn't said anything?
There was a Mauser and it was likely the TSBD shooter's rifle. Craig knew this and blew the whistle. And now you hate his guts for it. They were ALL liars, including Weitzman. You are deluding yourself if you think he only got a glimpse of the rifle and mistook it for a 7.65 Mauser. Whose side are you on?