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Author Topic: Roger Craig  (Read 154936 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #296 on: May 03, 2020, 03:52:44 PM »
Even Alyea said a good amount of the film he took that day was discarded. If in fact they would have let him film the Mauser.

Your proposition is based on a partial film record and the words of people you yourself have said aren't always honest.

a partial film record

I agree that Alyea's film ( what remains of it) is difficult to see..... It has been chopped up to destroy the photographic record of the truth.  But it's still possible to see Lt Day pick the carcano UP OFF THE FLOOR   as opposed to the official DPD in situ photo that shows the rifle jammed between boxes of books.   Alyea's film along with the statement of the witnesses make it clear that the rifle was lying on the floor with the barrel pointing east the scope was to the north and the trigger guard was facing south.  When Boone discovered it the rifle was at the bottom of a chasm of boxes of books and the chasm was covered at the top by boxes of books.    IOW  The rifle was well hidden and it was NOT hastily cast aside as the conspirators have claimed.   One witness said that he was six feet tall and he couldn't have placed the rifle on the floor at the bottom of the chasm unless he moved some of the boxes and got down in the chasm.

I've emphasized the fact that the rifle was ON THE FLOOR to illuastrate that the DPD faked the insitu photo to frame Lee making it appear that he had dashed by the site and jammed the rifle between boxes of books.   The official in situ photo is a damned lie.

and the words of people you yourself have said aren't always honest.

Yes, and this is why I have no respect for Roger Craig.....   He had valuable information.....but he destroyed his credibility by lying and embroidering.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #296 on: May 03, 2020, 03:52:44 PM »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #297 on: May 04, 2020, 04:46:03 AM »
Unless you can come up with a good reason why Weitzman was shown a 7.65 Mauser, then you can't assume he and Craig didn't see it in the TSBD.

"I" need to establish a reason that  Weitzman allegedly described a 7.65 mauser for FBI agent Sayers?    I'm sure that Weitzman and Boone did not see a mauser in the TSBD.....I don't "ASSUME" that Weitzman and Craig DID NOT see a 7.65 mauser in the TSBD.  Based on Weitzman's and Craigs statements they left the TSBD immediately after the Carcano was picked up FROM THE FLOOR and they did not return to the TSBD.   So I'm sure that they did NOT see a 7.65 mauser in the TSBD that afternoon....   However Weitzman was summoned to the police station later that Friday afternoon and was interviewed by FBI agent Seyers who typed up a report on that interview afterward.  That's when the mauser surfaces....But we don't know that Weitzman actually described the mauser or if Sayers just described it himself ...... As far as I know Weitzman never saw Sayers report.....and he did not initial it......

Mr. Cakehole, you are unbelievably STUPID! Good luck with that.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #298 on: May 04, 2020, 02:39:44 PM »
Mr. Cakehole, you are unbelievably STUPID! Good luck with that.

Is this your best?      Can't you do a little better?   Why can't you accept that Roger Craig never saw a mauser in the TSBD that day?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 03:39:18 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #298 on: May 04, 2020, 02:39:44 PM »

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #299 on: May 04, 2020, 11:27:10 PM »
(Roger ) Craig saw a second Oswald come from the rear of the Depository...

Roger Craig saw other things that were mere figments of his imagination....Like " I was no more than six or eight inches away from the rifle and I saw stamped right there on the barrel 7.65 mauser"     Roger never explained why 7.65 mauser would be stamped on a 6.5mm Mannlicher Carcano, but he acknowledged that the spent shells that were discovered beneath the window were 6.5mm carcano.....

Take Roger Craig out of the equation. He's a distraction and not necessary to prove/disprove the existence of the Mauser on the 6th floor on 11/22/63.

Explain away the documentation that Weitzman and Boone created with their affidavits, investigative reports and FBI interview.

"They were mistaken" isn't a valid explanation. IMO They wouldn't have guessed about the make. model and caliber of the murder weapon involving the POTUS.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #300 on: May 05, 2020, 12:05:17 AM »
Take Roger Craig out of the equation. He's a distraction and not necessary to prove/disprove the existence of the Mauser on the 6th floor on 11/22/63.

Explain away the documentation that Weitzman and Boone created with their affidavits, investigative reports and FBI interview.

"They were mistaken" isn't a valid explanation. IMO They wouldn't have guessed about the make. model and caliber of the murder weapon involving the POTUS.

They were mistaken" isn't a valid explanation. IMO

Well how do you explain the film which shows Lt Day reaching out and grabbing the leather sling of the rifle that is LYING ON THE FLOOR and pick it up where it is clearly seen and can be identified as a model 91 / 38 Mannlicher Carcano.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #300 on: May 05, 2020, 12:05:17 AM »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #301 on: May 06, 2020, 04:36:25 AM »
Is this your best?      Can't you do a little better?   Why can't you accept that Roger Craig never saw a mauser in the TSBD that day?

 ;D You didn't even remember that I was quoting your last response to me almost verbatim. You always resort to ad homs when you got nothin.

You still don't get it. I'm not claiming that Craig actually saw a Mauser or wasn't lying. Only that your evidence that he was lying is flimsy at best. You are so convinced that the Alyea film and testimony from the conspirators proves that there was no Mauser that you think everyone else that doesn't see it is a retard. Then you turn around and say, yes there probably was a Mauser, but Craig never saw it! That's the stupid part. If you acknowledge there was a Mauser, then you have to get off your high horse and fit it into your hypothesis. But you can't seem to do that without calling people names for speculating that just maybe the Alyea film doesn't tell the whole story. My question to you is, how can you be so sure that the Alyea film wasn't choreographed by Fritz? You can't. You are way too sure about everything when there is no way you can be. Then you trot out the ad homs whenever someone disagrees with you.

I hope that was a little better than just calling you stupid for not reaching the same conclusions as me. The data is just not there. How much attention would the Mauser have got if not for Craig's lies? Don't hate the whistleblower just because he needed to lie to draw attention to the Mauser. He didn't lie about the Mauser existing, did he? Maybe he didn't lie at all, except when Weitzman sold him out and he realized he was alone and his life was in danger. Then he killed himself. And all you want to do is piss on his grave.

Hypothetical: If there was a token shooter in the TSBD, what rifle did he use?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #302 on: May 06, 2020, 03:15:39 PM »
;D You didn't even remember that I was quoting your last response to me almost verbatim. You always resort to ad homs when you got nothin.

You still don't get it. I'm not claiming that Craig actually saw a Mauser or wasn't lying. Only that your evidence that he was lying is flimsy at best. You are so convinced that the Alyea film and testimony from the conspirators proves that there was no Mauser that you think everyone else that doesn't see it is a retard. Then you turn around and say, yes there probably was a Mauser, but Craig never saw it! That's the stupid part. If you acknowledge there was a Mauser, then you have to get off your high horse and fit it into your hypothesis. But you can't seem to do that without calling people names for speculating that just maybe the Alyea film doesn't tell the whole story. My question to you is, how can you be so sure that the Alyea film wasn't choreographed by Fritz? You can't. You are way too sure about everything when there is no way you can be. Then you trot out the ad homs whenever someone disagrees with you.

I hope that was a little better than just calling you stupid for not reaching the same conclusions as me. The data is just not there. How much attention would the Mauser have got if not for Craig's lies? Don't hate the whistleblower just because he needed to lie to draw attention to the Mauser. He didn't lie about the Mauser existing, did he? Maybe he didn't lie at all, except when Weitzman sold him out and he realized he was alone and his life was in danger. Then he killed himself. And all you want to do is piss on his grave.

Hypothetical: If there was a token shooter in the TSBD, what rifle did he use?

there probably was a Mauser, but Craig never saw it! That's the stupid part. If you acknowledge there was a Mauser, then you have to get off your high horse and fit it into your hypothesis.

You believe that the carcano  was a mauser , or a mauser was there, and Roger Craig was only six or eight inches from it, and saw "stamped right there on the barrel were the words --7.65 mauser"   That idea is utterly refuted by all of the witnesses who were there.   Virtually ALL of the witnesses said that the rifle that Boone saw lying ON THE FLOOR ( not jammed between boxes of books) was NOT TOUCHED until Lt Day picked it up by the leather strap.  And the Alyea film shows Day doing that and then holding the rifle up where it can be clearly seen and identified as a model 91/38 Mannlicher Carcano.   THERE WAS NO MAUSER THERE!!!

If you acknowledge there was a Mauser, then you have to get off your high horse and fit it into your hypothesis.

There certainly seems to be a mauser described in FBI agent A1bert Sayer's report.   And you're right.....I don't know how it fits in.   But I am positive that Roger Craig never saw a 7.65 mauser in the TSBD that afternoon.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2020, 03:27:40 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #303 on: May 06, 2020, 11:50:32 PM »
there probably was a Mauser, but Craig never saw it! That's the stupid part. If you acknowledge there was a Mauser, then you have to get off your high horse and fit it into your hypothesis.

You believe that the carcano  was a mauser , or a mauser was there, and Roger Craig was only six or eight inches from it, and saw "stamped right there on the barrel were the words --7.65 mauser"   That idea is utterly refuted by all of the witnesses who were there.   Virtually ALL of the witnesses said that the rifle that Boone saw lying ON THE FLOOR ( not jammed between boxes of books) was NOT TOUCHED until Lt Day picked it up by the leather strap.  And the Alyea film shows Day doing that and then holding the rifle up where it can be clearly seen and identified as a model 91/38 Mannlicher Carcano.   THERE WAS NO MAUSER THERE!!!

If you acknowledge there was a Mauser, then you have to get off your high horse and fit it into your hypothesis.

There certainly seems to be a mauser described in FBI agent A1bert Sayer's report.   And you're right.....I don't know how it fits in.   But I am positive that Roger Craig never saw a 7.65 mauser in the TSBD that afternoon.

Don't try and tell me what I believe without reading/comprehending my posts. I never claimed that the Carcano was a Mauser or Craig wasn't lying. Only that you know squat about how anything went down. You are like a dog with a bone and you must stop your disinformation because you (or anyone) can't be positive about ANYTHING based on the testimony of the conspirators and the Alyea film. You are not a logistician nor an image/data analyst. List ALL of the witnesses who you believe were NOT "in on it" and why. This should be good.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #303 on: May 06, 2020, 11:50:32 PM »