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Author Topic: Roger Craig  (Read 155675 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #336 on: May 15, 2020, 03:51:42 AM »
Craig was not making an issue out of the rifle being ON THE FLOOR.    He merely mentioned it in passing.... Therefore it is the truth and can be verified by watching Tom Alyea's film of Lt Day picking up the rifle FROM THE FLOOR.    Craig describes that action perfectly...... He said that Lt Day grabbed the leather sling and hoisted the rifle into the air....   and that's exactly what is seen in Tom Alyea's film.   

However .....Even though nobody was questioning the position of the rifle .....Craig must have realized that the official tale of the rifle being jammed between boxes of books was a damned lie.   Craig knew that!.....and he was trying to call attention to this very elementary fact.   He even went so far as to describe the exact orientation of the rifle as it was when he saw it lying ON THE FLOOR.

Walt, you stated Craig was a liar with mental problems. So, why are you beliving his description of the rifle on the floor? Wouldn't this just be more of his insanity?       

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #336 on: May 15, 2020, 03:51:42 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #337 on: May 15, 2020, 01:11:27 PM »
Walt, you stated Craig was a liar with mental problems. So, why are you beliving his description of the rifle on the floor? Wouldn't this just be more of his insanity?     

Wouldn't this just be more of his insanity? 

No, I don't think so.....  Craig never made an issue of the position of the rifle on the floor.    Like he did with insisting that he saw "7.65 Mauser stamped right there on the barrel.

But you've raised the exact reason that I have no respect for Roger Craig.....  He destroyed his credibility with his lying.  Just as you now doubt his report of the rifle ON THE FLOOR.    HOWEVER in the case of the rifle ON THE FLOOR we do have Tom Alyea's film which does show the rifle ON THE FLOOR just as Craig described it.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #338 on: February 03, 2021, 03:34:27 PM »
It's right there in the video of FP interview of Roger Craig.....  Craig told FP how the rifle was positioned....

This is what Roger Craig said at the Clay Shaw trial....

Q: Officer Craig, were you able to observe the location that the rifle was found in?
A: Yes.
Q: Where was that?
A: In the northeast corner of the sixth floor there was a stack of boxes approximately five fee high and they were stacked in a square and in the middle of the square was a hole and the rifle was in this hole.

And his LBJ Cover up committee testimony.....

Mr. BELIN - How far were you from Officer Boone when he hollered?
Mr. CRAIG - About 8-foot.
Mr. BELIN - What did you do then?
Mr. CRAIG - I went over to the--uh--luster of boxes where he was standing and looked down between the boxes and saw the rifle lying on the floor.
Mr. BELIN - When you say "between the cluster of boxes," could you describe which way the boxes were?
Mr. CRAIG - There was a row going east to west on the north side of the weapon, and a box going east to west on the south side of the weapon, and--uh--if I remember, uh--as you'd look down, you had to look kinda back under the north stack of boxes to see the rifle. It was pushed kinda under---uh---or up tight against 'em---you know, where it would be hard to see. And, of course, both ends of the rows were closed off where you couldn't see through 'em. You had to get up and look in 'em.
Mr. BELIN - You are gesturing with your hand there---would you say that the boxes, then, as you gestured, were in the shape of what I would call a rectangular "O", so to speak?
Mr. CRAIG - Yes, yes, uh-huh.
Mr. BELIN - And about how high were the walls of this enclosure, so to speak?
Mr. CRAIG - Well, it-it was different heights. Now, the part where I looked in particularly was about---uh---oh, was about 5-foot.
Mr. BELIN - All right. And you gestured there in such a way that you had to lean over and look straight down? Would that be a fair statement of your gestures?
Mr. CRAIG - Yes; yes. You had to lean over the boxes and look down.
Mr. BELIN - All right. Then what happened? After you found this, did people come over---or what?
Mr. CRAIG - Yes; several other people came over.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about what time this was?
Mr. CRAIG - No; I had no idea then how long it had been.
Mr. BELIN - All right. Do you remember who else came over?
Mr. CRAIG - Oh, Officer Mooney and--uh--several of the city officers; Will Fritz came over--Capt. Will Fritz, with the city of Dallas; some of his investigators, I didn't know them; and a criminal identification man, I believe, from the city of Dallas, then came over there to take pictures of the weapon.
Mr. BELIN - The weapon was moved by the time the pictures were taken?
Mr. CRAIG - No; no. The pictures were taken as the weapon was found lying here.

Does this official DPD in situ photo look anything like Craigs description?... Or was the carcano in this position when Lt Day picked it up FROM THE FLOOR?

Here's what Craig told FP....


Here's an excerpt from the newspaper article.....

Roger Craig----- " I was also present when the rifle was found.  Now this rifle--- There's no possible way  that a man could lay that rifle between those boxes. He had to drop it in there.  I'm six feet tall and I couldn't reach down and pick that rifle out without climbing on top of those boxes and getting down in em, by moving some of em, to get to the rifle."

There's no possible way  that a man could lay that rifle between those boxes.

He had to drop it in there.

IOW..... The rifle was lying ON THE FLOOR  and not jammed between boxes of books as it is seen in the official police in situ photos....   Which means the DPD staged the in situ photo to enable them to frame Lee Oswald by saying that he dashed by the site and hastily jammed the carcano between the boxes of books.

Does anybody believe that Lee Oswald dashed by the site at the top of the stairs where the carcano was found and placed that carcano on the floor .  (15 feet 4 inches from the N. wall or 0ver four feet south of the E/W aisle)
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 05:36:20 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #338 on: February 03, 2021, 03:34:27 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #339 on: February 03, 2021, 05:40:55 PM »
Does anybody believe that Lee Oswald dashed by the site at the top of the stairs where the carcano was found and placed that carcano on the floor .  (15 feet 4 inches from the N. wall or 0ver four feet south of the E/W aisle)

The rifle in this fake in situ photo is about 13 feet from the North wall......

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #340 on: February 03, 2021, 07:09:51 PM »
Walt you are still dead wrong about Craig and all you are doing is aiding and abetting the DPD with your stubbornness by castigating a goddamned hero who was a lone voice against a massive conspiracy. And he did it knowingly at great peril. Why would Roger have claimed he saw a Mauser if he didn't at least smell something fishy at the crime scene? He had strong suspicions that caused him to make such a bold claim.  It can only be because he either saw what he saw or he at least saw "the" Mauser in question. How dare you assume he was a lying mental case and you would piss on his grave if given the opportunity based on a few snippits of YouTube videos and some staged photos. And if there was a Mauser involved in this case, which you acknowledge, then it was likely retrieved from the TSBD and Craig could have seen it there.

All 3 of us agree that the DPD planted the MC and setup the crime scene. That's the only reason Craig would "lie" about seeing the Mauser. He wanted to expose the conspiracy and was not part of it. Do you know what kind of balls it took to go alone accusing the DPD of being part of a conspiracy to assassinate the POTUS? And how high did it go? The only way Craig could have been lying is if he truly believed that Fritz and Co. were involved in a conspiracy, heard about the Mauser, and wanted to do the right thing regardless of whether he actually read "7.65 Mauser" off the barrel. Fact is, you have no idea whether he's lying or what evidence Fritz allowed you to know about. You will never know what footage Fritz did not allow Alyea to take or talk about. If you think Fritz didn't have complete and utter control over how the event was documented, then I've got a slightly used MC to sell you, to add to your collection.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 07:17:47 PM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #340 on: February 03, 2021, 07:09:51 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #341 on: February 03, 2021, 07:41:57 PM »
Walt you are still dead wrong about Craig and all you are doing is aiding and abetting the DPD with your stubbornness by castigating a goddamned hero who was a lone voice against a massive conspiracy. And he did it knowingly at great peril. Why would Roger have claimed he saw a Mauser if he didn't at least smell something fishy at the crime scene? He had strong suspicions that caused him to make such a bold claim.  It can only be because he either saw what he saw or he at least saw "the" Mauser in question. How dare you assume he was a lying mental case and you would piss on his grave if given the opportunity based on a few snippits of YouTube videos and some staged photos. And if there was a Mauser involved in this case, which you acknowledge, then it was likely retrieved from the TSBD and Craig could have seen it there.

All 3 of us agree that the DPD planted the MC and setup the crime scene. That's the only reason Craig would "lie" about seeing the Mauser. He wanted to expose the conspiracy and was not part of it. Do you know what kind of balls it took to go alone accusing the DPD of being part of a conspiracy to assassinate the POTUS? And how high did it go? The only way Craig could have been lying is if he truly believed that Fritz and Co. were involved in a conspiracy, heard about the Mauser, and wanted to do the right thing regardless of whether he actually read "7.65 Mauser" off the barrel. Fact is, you have no idea whether he's lying or what evidence Fritz allowed you to know about. You will never know what footage Fritz did not allow Alyea to take or talk about. If you think Fritz didn't have complete and utter control over how the event was documented, then I've got a slightly used MC to sell you, to add to your collection.

Jack, This is not about Roger Craig..... I wanted to refocus the lime light on the information about the place where the carcano was found.   It is solid physical evidence that Lee Oswald DID NOT dash by the site and hastily dump the rifle as the liars on the DPD said.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #342 on: February 03, 2021, 08:35:55 PM »
Walt you are still dead wrong about Craig and all you are doing is aiding and abetting the DPD with your stubbornness by castigating a goddamned hero who was a lone voice against a massive conspiracy. And he did it knowingly at great peril. Why would Roger have claimed he saw a Mauser if he didn't at least smell something fishy at the crime scene? He had strong suspicions that caused him to make such a bold claim.  It can only be because he either saw what he saw or he at least saw "the" Mauser in question. How dare you assume he was a lying mental case and you would piss on his grave if given the opportunity based on a few snippits of YouTube videos and some staged photos. And if there was a Mauser involved in this case, which you acknowledge, then it was likely retrieved from the TSBD and Craig could have seen it there.

All 3 of us agree that the DPD planted the MC and setup the crime scene. That's the only reason Craig would "lie" about seeing the Mauser. He wanted to expose the conspiracy and was not part of it. Do you know what kind of balls it took to go alone accusing the DPD of being part of a conspiracy to assassinate the POTUS? And how high did it go? The only way Craig could have been lying is if he truly believed that Fritz and Co. were involved in a conspiracy, heard about the Mauser, and wanted to do the right thing regardless of whether he actually read "7.65 Mauser" off the barrel. Fact is, you have no idea whether he's lying or what evidence Fritz allowed you to know about. You will never know what footage Fritz did not allow Alyea to take or talk about. If you think Fritz didn't have complete and utter control over how the event was documented, then I've got a slightly used MC to sell you, to add to your collection.

Jack, I believe we are very close to harmony....   But I think you're singing an octave too high.   I agree with 98% of your post.

I had an uncle that I believe was very much like Roger Craig.    He'd tell a lie about something, and then when challenged he would elaborate on a point like " I saw 7.65 stamped right there on the barrel"  in an effort to convince the challenger that he was telling the truth.  But that doesn't mean that Roger didn't have good reason to believe that there was a Mauser involved.    It certainly seems that here in fact was a Mauser that was presented to Seymour Weitzman as though it was the rifle that was found in the NW corner of the sixth floor.  ( Perhaps at that point the DPD were afraid that they weren't going to be able to convince us piss ants that Lee Oswald was the assassin and wanted to introduce a mauser to lead to another patsy.
 But that's a diversion from my reason for trying to rekindle interest in the LOCATION where the carcano was found.

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #343 on: February 03, 2021, 10:54:18 PM »
In 1968, during an interview (along with Penn Jones) with the L.A. Free Press, Roger Craig was asked about the Tippit shooting.  Craig told the interviewer that the shooting occurred at 1:45.

Jones immediately corrected Craig, informing him that the shooting occurred around 1:15.  Craig responded with "Oh?  Is that right? Okay." (or words to that effect, I'm going by memory) 

The bottom line is, in 1968, Craig obviously had no idea what time the Tippit shooting occurred.

Then, in the early 70's when writing his manuscript, Craig tells the story of being in Dealey Plaza and hearing of the shooting of the police officer in Oak Cliff.  In the scenario, Craig supposedly looks at his watch and notes that it said the time was 1:06.

You Roger Craig defenders really don't see anything wrong with this?  Do I really need to spell this out any more clearly?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Roger Craig
« Reply #343 on: February 03, 2021, 10:54:18 PM »