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Author Topic: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?  (Read 26897 times)

Offline Susan Wilde

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After Dallas police patrolman  Joe Marshall Smith heard the assassination volley's of shots  (that he stated it seemed,  at least, one shot was  fired from  west of the Depository,  from a position level with himself,  and, gave the plaza an all over sounding).  He then decided to trot  completely  past the Texas School Book Depository  he was a very closer  80'  from during the assassination shots volley's, and,  after he heard a woman yell,  "Someone is shooting the president from the bushes!,"  and,  then  after he smelled  gunsmoke  near the  grassy knoll when he was at a distance of  over  61'  below  and over  200'  away from and  upwind-away-from  the Depository,  supposed,  'lone nut' snipers lair,  WHO  do  you  think was the  no-suit-tie wearing,  no-35-mm-camera-strapped-hanging-from-his-neck,  supposed,  "Secret Service"  identification-flashing  'agent'  that patrolman Smith suddenly encountered in the parking lot within 1 to 2 minutes behind the  picket fence,  North Pergola,  grassy knoll?

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« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 03:39:44 PM by Susan Wilde »

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Offline Denis Morissette

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You might want to cross out Powell off the list...

Offline Susan Wilde

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Hi Denis, In your montage, can you describe for everyone how your #'s 1, 2, and 3 are related to Powell?  Thanks in advance.

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Offline Susan Wilde

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I see that in Powell's testimony that he  stated that,  at all times,  his "Minolta" 35mm camera was  clearly visible in plain view to anyone,  hanging by its camera strap around his neck.

Most likely/more than likely a 35mm camera hanging from and  motions-swinging from the neck of anyone  who was also  claiming to be a  "Secret Service Agent" is something that encountering witnesses would have also been  attracted to see, and would,  most  definitely, recall seeing.  A 35mm camera would have been  especially recalled by  trained law enforcement  professionals,  who during those especially anxious Dealey Plaza moments immediately after the shots were naturally professionally suspicious, and who witnessed a camera hanging/swinging from an "agent's" neck.

No  witnesses to any of the  "agents"  that multiple witnesses  and multiple  professional law enforcement officers encountered between 12:30 PM and when Sorrels returned @ 1:00 PM have ever stated that ANY, supposed,  "Secret Service Agent"  displayed a 35mm camera hanging/swinging from his neck,  nor has any witness ever said that the self-claiming,  (fake) "Secret Service" identification-flashing  grassy knoll  "agent"  was carrying a 35mm camera in his hands.

(there are additional, very important  geographical and  Smith and Powell  actions  timings , established, solid reasons that are also key to simply understanding why Powell could  not  possibly have been the  (fake)  "agent"  that patrolman Smith encountered behind the  gunsmoke  smelling  grassy  knoll)

Offline Barry Pollard

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Even if one of the men Denis has found is Powell, I don't see how that would rule him out.
A lot of people made for the knoll between 1 and 2 minutes after the shooting and even Murray himself couldn't resist the urge to follow them. Why not Powell?
Do you think it's possible Susan that the man came into the RRY after Smith, had the camera in his hand and was actually looking around(like a detective would) and that's when/why Smith noticed him/singled him out?
I don't see why he has to be fake, at all.

(there are additional, very important  geographical and  Smith and Powell  actions  timings , established, solid reasons that are also key to simply understanding why Powell could  not  possibly have been the  (fake)  "agent"  that patrolman Smith encountered behind the  gunsmoke  smelling  grassy  knoll)
Care to elaborate?

Smith went to to the street first., not directly up the extension.

Any good copy of the Couch film shows the two frames above and you can watch Darnell to work out that's he's heading in this direction, has to be him. So the woman he alleged pointed him to the bushes, he has yet to meet.

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Offline Susan Wilde

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When the JFK researcher and Secret Service  expert Vince Palamara interviewed the Secret Service Special Agent  Lem Johns (who rode in LBJ's Secret Service follow-up vehicle and was very  briefly on the DP ground between Elm Street and the North Pergola),  Agent Johns  emphatically stated  "he definitely was not"   the fake "agent" that the revolver-drawn Policeman Smith  encountered after Smith  smelled  gunsmoke in the fake "agent" encounter location behind (north of) and  close to the North Pergola and the north-south leg of the  grassy knoll picket  fence.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 07:12:53 AM by Susan Wilde »

Offline Susan Wilde

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Even if one of the men Denis has found is Powell, I don't see how that would rule him out.
A lot of people made for the knoll between 1 and 2 minutes after the shooting and even Murray himself couldn't resist the urge to follow them. Why not Powell?
Do you think it's possible Susan that the man came into the RRY after Smith, had the camera in his hand and was actually looking around(like a detective would) and that's when/why Smith noticed him/singled him out?
I don't see why he has to be fake, at all.
Care to elaborate?

Barry, where do you think Powell was located when he heard the DP shots?

Smith went to to the street first., not directly up the extension.

Any good copy of the Couch film shows the two frames above and you can watch Darnell to work out that's he's heading in this direction, has to be him. So the woman he alleged pointed him to the bushes, he has yet to meet.

Online Royell Storing

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When the JFK researcher and Secret Service  expert Vince Palamara interviewed the Secret Service Special Agent  Lem Johns (who rode in LBJ's Secret Service follow-up vehicle and was very  briefly on the DP ground between Elm Street and the North Pergola),  Agent Johns  emphatically stated  "he definitely was not"   the fake "agent" that the revolver-drawn Policeman Smith  encountered after Smith  smelled  gunsmoke in the fake "agent" encounter location behind (north of) and  close to the North Pergola and the north-south leg of the  grassy knoll picket  fence.

Based on the JFK Assassination Images, the LBJ SS Follow-Up Car was closely behind the convertible carrying LBJ. Both cars were traveling directly down the Middle of Elm St. SA Lem Johns filed an FBI Original Report dated 11/29/63. Within this Report SA Johns recalls that upon hearing 2 shots, he leaped out of the passenger side of the Follow-Up Car and "Started Running" toward the Convertible carrying LBJ. Johns then recalls hearing a 3rd shot and the JFK motorcade then speeding up leaving him Standing in the Middle of Elm St. Based on the Original Report of SS Lem Johns, we have a SS Agent attired in a suit and tie, Leaping out of a car in the Middle of Elm St, Sprinting down the Middle of Elm St, & then Left Standing Alone in the Middle of Elm St. With the exception of his fellow SS Agents, NOT 1 Single Eye Witness standing along Elm St  has EVER Said, Written, or Testified that they witnessed SA Lem Johns executing ANY Portion of his self described Chinese Fire Drill. No Eyewitness standing along Elm St has EVER Said, Written, or Testified that they saw SA Lem Johns even standing anywhere on Elm St at Any point in time on 11/22/63. NO ONE. Also, there is NOT 1 single Frame from any of the various JFK Assassination Films, or 1 single JFK Assassination Photograph which displays SA Lem Johns at Any point in time, anywhere on Elm St or even anywhere inside Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63.  How does someone that is allegedly this physically active amidst the assassination of a U.S. President, somehow Evade being captured on Any assassination films or photographs??? 
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 04:45:19 PM by Royell Storing »

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