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Author Topic: Who was the "agent" patrolman Joe Smith encountered behind grassy knoll?  (Read 26913 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Another very  important fact with respect to Dallas police patrolman Joe Smith smelling the distinctive smell of  gun smoke right before his  encounter 1 to 2 minutes after the shots ended with the fake impostor  "Secret Service" credentials flashing  "agent"  west of the TSBD near the  grassy knoll  picket fence and North Pergola,  is that the wind was documented by the weather service and documented in DP photos of witnesses clothes as blowing  northeastward ;  the wind during the shots was  blowing  FROM  the Triple Overpass,  TOWARDS  the TSBD

    Just for the record, what is your source for DPD Officer Joe Smith  "smelling the distinctive smell of Gun Smoke"? I do Not recall a Gun Smoke claim being attributed to Smith.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 02:15:37 PM by Royell Storing »

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Offline Steve Thomas

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I have prior read the  outstanding  Lancer  referenced research article, and just read the  lonegunmanmyth  referenced research article.


I once wrote an essay on the Dallas Police encounters with men they identified, or who were identified to them, as being Secret Service Agents. You can read it here if you're interested:

Steve Thomas

Offline Jerry Freeman

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    Just for the record, what is your source for DPD Officer Joe Smith  "smelling the distinctive smell of Gun Smoke"? I do Not recall a Gun Smoke claim being attributed to Smith.
Here's one -
Patrolman J M Smith, who had been standing at the corner of Elm and Houston, in front of the Book Depository Building, said in a written report to Chief Curry, 'I heard the shots and thought they were coming from the bushes [at the wooden fence adjacent to the overpass]. Ronnie Dugger, editor of THE TEXAS OBSERVER, questioned Smith, and the officer told Dugger that he had gone directly to the area behind the fence. After his own on-the-spot investigation, Dugger observed, 'A man standing behind the fence, further shielded by cars in the parking lot behind him, might have had a clear shot at the President as his car began the run downhill on Elm Street toward the underpass'. Patrolman Smith ran into the area and, as he told Dugger, he 'caught the smell of gunpowder there' behind the wooden fence: 'I could tell it was in the air'.... When Smith was called before counsel for the Warren Commission to testify, he was not asked a single question about the fact that he had smelled gunpowder behind the fence although his statement to that effect had been quoted in the Texas publication....


Senator Ralph Yarborough also smelled gunpowder. While he awaited news of the President's condition at Parkland Hospital, he said, 'You could smell powder on our car nearly all the way here'. Dugger observed, 'Oswald and his rifle were reportedly six stories high and perhaps 75 yards behind the President's car at the time of the shooting. Yarborough was in the third car of the motorcade, with then Vice President and Mrs Johnson. Some officials questioned here in Dallas could not explain why Senator Yarborough would smell gunpowder.... Senator Yarborough was not called by the Warren Commission as a witness, nor was he questioned by counsel. Instead, the Commission secured from him a one-page affidavit, in which no reference was made to what he had said about smelling gunpowder. [See LBJ'S ORWELLIAN JFK FACECRIME]

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Online Royell Storing

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Here's one -
     There is No direct source sighted for DPD Smith smelling gun smoke. There is a lotta hear-say.


Offline Jerry Freeman

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      There is No direct source sighted for DPD Smith smelling gun smoke. There is a lotta hear-say. 
    Just for the record, what is your source for DPD Officer Joe Smith  "smelling the distinctive smell of Gun Smoke"? I do Not recall a Gun Smoke claim being attributed to Smith.
The article 'attributes' the statement as requested demonstrating that the poster [Susan Wilde] did not just make up this claim. Everyone is dead now so there can not be any corroboration one way or the other.


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Online Royell Storing

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The article 'attributes' the statement as requested demonstrating that the poster [Susan Wilde] did not just make up this claim. Everyone is dead now so there can not be any corroboration one way or the other.


      This is the type of so called documentation that is Now commonly accepted and distributed as fact by the Fake News Media. "Attributes" is Not a source. People "repeating" what they have been told is "Hearsay". This is why so many JFK Urban Legends are connected to this case and why it remains Unsolved after close to 55 years.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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      This is the type of so called documentation that is Now commonly accepted and distributed as fact by the Fake News Media. "Attributes" is Not a source. People "repeating" what they have been told is "Hearsay". This is why so many JFK Urban Legends are connected to this case and why it remains Unsolved after close to 55 years.
Fake news existed in 1963. Don't kid youself. 
With reference to the shots, Mr Holland stated, ' ... two of them was rather close together though', and after the last shot he noticed smoke two to three metres in the air, above the road surface, under the line of trees. Another person in the crowd, electrician Frank Reilly, thought the shots came from the trees on Elm Street.
Alongside the patrolman stood two co-workers, mail clerks Royce Skelton and Austin Miller. Royce heard the first two shots as the President's car was travelling towards him. 'I thought that they were dumballs [sic] that they throw at the cement because I could see smoke coming up from the cement ...' Austin Miller believed the shot or shots ' ... sounded like it came from the, I would say from right there in the car ...' Miller also said he ' ... saw something which [he] thought was smoke or steam ...'
Railway switchman Walter Winborn was also standing on the Elm Street overpass. He saw smoke, ' ... it looked like a little haze ... but it was a haze there ... at least ten feet long and about two or three feet wide ...'
Patrolman Joe Smith also smelled gunpowder, ' ... a distinctive smell of gun smoke cordite,' as he moved along Elm Street towards the grassy section of Dealey Plaza.
Here was sworn testimony from a supervisor, several police officers and two mail clerks telling me, the reader, that smoke or gunpowder was on the street in or around the President's vehicle. Extraordinary! I delved deeper and kept reading, remembering the old adage, where there's smoke, there's fire.
[A] bookkeeper Virgie Rachley, who had been standing on Elm Street enjoying the passing parade. As the President's car rolled by and the shots rang out she recalled smelling 'gun smoke'. Clemen Johnson, a machinist at the railway yard, also witnessed the catastrophe. He saw 'white smoke' near to where the motorcade had passed. Fellow railwaymen Nolan Potter and James Simmons also witnessed the 'smoke'. Press photographer and keen hunter Tom Dillard was travelling as part of the motorcade, in the press car, an opentop Chevrolet convertible. His car followed the long convoy of press men and woman and political figures, all eager to be part of the big day. Dillard, an astute photographer who was hoping for some unique images, had taken some fine shots back at Love Field Airport, but was under pressure from his newspaper to bring back as many worthy photographs as possible. As his car approached the Texas School Book Depository he heard three shots. Jumping from his vehicle at the first shot, he ran towards the Depository building, clicking photos as he ran. His focus was the sixth-floor window, and in all he took twelve negatives. As he stood near the path of the motorcade he smelt gunpowder.
Others also told of smoke at the street level area. Ed Johnson, a reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper, ' ... saw little puffs of white smoke that seemed to hit the grassy area in the esplanade that divides Dallas' main downtown streets.' From her third-floor office window, clerk Patsy Paschall saw 'smoke' near the motorcade as it travelled down Elm Street and past the grassy knoll. Thomas Murphy, a railway foreman saw 'smoke' near the motorcade.
The case has remained unsolved because the powers that were and are now do not want it to be. Believe what you want...your prerogative.

Online Royell Storing

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Fake news existed in 1963. Don't kid youself.
The case has remained unsolved because the powers that were and are now do not want it to be. Believe what you want...your prerogative.

    I agree with you. BUT, repeating the mistakes/BS of the past will Not lead to solving this case. Stick with Corroborated FACT not hearsay or parroted "stories".
« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 09:25:21 PM by Royell Storing »

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