You have previously shared some of your good research on this Forum. For whatever reason you are Now Posting Lane's Hearsay Testimony above. This is after you posted that piece with conflicting stories attributed to Officer Smith, in addition to it containing the bit about there being 4 reporters standing near Zapruder when the shots were fired. Why not Stop what you are currently posting, take the gear shift out of reverse and place it back into 1st gear & Progress Forward once again. Please do your name and the historical record a favor by getting back onto the right track.
You certainly persist in shooting the messenger, an indication you have nothing meeting the standard you demanded, to rebut identical hearsay in
the WC report of Texas Atty General Sanders, in early Dec., 1963, repeated by Mark Lane in March, 1964 WC testimony.
what you originally insisted upon was original sourcing of the Officer Joe M. Smith gunsmoke in the air claim.I pointed you to an FBI 302 reporting/quoting Joe M Smith's timely declaration.
If you are asserting details attributed to
FBI interview subjects by FBI agents,
such as FBI reported claims of Joe M Smith are also hearsay, why not make your case and also marginalize all FBI 302 reporting of witness declarations in instances in which there is no supporting witness direct testimony in the record, either before or after the FBI interview. Ironically, a major, early objection voiced to the WC by Mark Lane was the admission of hearsay into the record, contrary to criminal court procedure. Lane also complained to the WC that there was no opportunity to cross examine testifying witnesses.