Speaking of short change....Markham continued:
Mr. BALL. You don't think it was as light a jacket as that?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No, it was darker than that, I know it was. At that moment I was so excited--
As pointed out by Martin, it was darker that CE 162 that she was shown.
You keep avoiding the most important piece of evidence, Markham who positively identified Lee Harvey Oswald described the same style of jacket but her description of the shade was logically influenced by vastly different lighting conditions and different contrasting backgrounds.
Mr. BALL. What about number two, what did you mean when you said number two?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Number two was the man I saw shoot the policeman. In the following comparison we see the same man from multiple directions under different outside lighting and the shirt appears lighter and relatively darker accordingly then extrapolate this with the inside lighting at the commission and we have some eyewitnesses who see different shades, WOW! But the simple fact remains the majority of eyewitnesses at the Tippit crime scene all see Oswald with a light coloured jacket.
