Indeed in the view of Oswald being used as and set up for being a patsy, while he thinks the instructions he is following pinpoint all along the line are something other, the ONLY flaw in the perfect forensic sense of that of the entire JFK crime scene matter, is why then, if Oswalds instructions for the departure from TBD to the boarding house and then to theatre, are not to wear a jacket, would Oswald don a jacket at the boarding house?
That is the only fly in the ointment of patsy instructions theory to that extent of the whole matter. And at first glance WELL does that derail the whole patsy thing mebbe??
BUT on the other hand -
!/- The landlady is seriously blind and she was mebbe not paying much attention to Oswald. What if Lee only has a t shirt on and only dons that shirt maybe not even tucked in, to conceal the gun he is instructed to take, and is buttoning the shirt from the bottom. And the Tippit crime scene suspect surely has an unbuttoned jacket at that stage to get his gun out so quick. And I do seem to recall Oswald always wearing unbuttoned jackets but not sure on that.
2/- Even if he had forgotten his instructions then between there and the theatre he may have remembered or been reminded and ditched the jacket.
So I don't find the Oswald wearing a jacket at the boarding house that unshakeable. And after all his jacket was at the TBD rolled up in the 1st floor lunchroom window alcove behind the bench seat at this time, where he had placed it and left it for that stage.