As usual you short change someones testimony to suit your endless quest to discover a conspiracy.
Let's read the full testimony, Markham describes the same style of jacket but she saw the jacket outside in the sunlight as opposed to seeing the jacket inside which has an obvious effect on ones perception of shading.
Mr. BALL. I have here an exhibit, Commission Exhibit 162, a jacket. Did you ever see this before?
Mrs. MARKHAM. No; I did not.
Mr. BALL. Does it look like, anything like, the jacket the man had on?
Mrs. MARKHAM. It is short, open down the front. But that jacket it is a darker jacket than that, I know it was.

Let's read the full testimony, Markham describes the same style of jacket but she saw the jacket outside in the sunlight as opposed to seeing the jacket inside which has an obvious effect on ones perception of shading. Now who is misrepresenting Markham's testimony?
She clearly states that she did not see CE 162 before and that the jacket she had seen was darker than that.
It is you who comes up with crappy mumbo jumbo excuses about sunlight and shades to "explain" why she did not recognize CE 162!
As usual you short change someones testimony to suit your endless quest to discover a conspiracy.Please explain how somebody shooting Tippit would automatically result in the discovery of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy?