And the mountain of irrelevancies continues. What does a 1998 statistic have to do with a 1963 murder? And then we get this gem:
Well duh! Of course the fibers on the rifle match the fibers on the rifle.
And the mountain of irrelevancies continues. What does a 1998 statistic have to do with a 1963 murder?
How petty, in any one year a helluva lot of fiber is produced and even if in 1963 only 1/100 of the fiber was produced than in 1998 then it's still 1 billion pounds of fiber. And no I will not be replying to the inevitable how do you know how much fiber was produced in 1963, blah blah blah... Fiber analysis is still used in 2017 and contributes to the successful prosecutions of many criminals.
EDIT It appears that in 1963 fiber production was in excess of 10 million tons and more than enough to make a lot of problems for Oswald. Case closed.

Well duh! Of course the fibers on the rifle match the fibers on the rifle.
That's even more petty than the one above. How sad!