On the day of the assassination, Frazier denied that the paper bag found at the TSBD was the same bag he had seen Oswald carry some 16 hours earlier and he has never, until today, changed his story one bit.
Not that it mattered, because he was deemed to be mistaken....
What a difference it makes when you tell a story the "investigators" (and LNs) like or not.
On the day of the assassination several people (for example Baker, Whaley) stated they saw Oswald either with or without a jacket and they were all, according to the official narrative, mistaken. But not Earlene Roberts.... The woman with bad eye sight, who was paying more attention to the TV (meaning she must have had her back towards Oswald walking from his room to the frontdoor), and who - at best - saw Oswald for a second or so when he walked out the door...
Not that Earlene Roberts! Never mind that her employer warned the WC about her as being a person who was known for making up things.... and never mind she told this crazy story about a police car in front of the house..
Earlene Roberts couldn't have been wrong about the jacket.... No way.... or could she now?
For me Earlene Roberts is one of those individuals that make me feel sad that there never was a trial.